a. Permits Required, Exceptions, Requirements and Fees.
1. Permits are required to be obtained from the City for all site construction projects and/or land disturbances as set out in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual. The developer shall also coordinate with the KYDOW and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to determine whether permits are required from those agencies before construction begins. Each developer shall submit an application to the City on a form provided by the City.
2. No permit shall be required from the City for emergency activity that is immediately necessary for the protection of life, property or natural resources, or for nursery and agricultural operations.
3. All permit applications for activities disturbing more than seven hundred and fifty (750 ft
) square feet of soil shall include the appropriate review and inspection permit fee. This review and inspection fee shall be thirty-five ($35.00) dollars for all residential building permits and two tenths of one cent ($0.002) per square foot of disturbed area for all other building permits with a minimum fee of seventy-five ($75.00) dollars.
b. Review and Issuance of Permit.
1. The City will review each permit application to determine its conformance with the provisions of this Subchapter. Approval indicates that minimum requirements or intent are met and does not imply a guarantee of performance. Based on the review of the permit application, the City will:
a) Approve the permit application;
b) Approve the permit application subject to such conditions as may be necessary to meet the requirements/intent of the objectives of this Subchapter, and issue the permit subject to these conditions; or,
c) Deny the permit application, indicating the reason(s) and procedure for submitting a revised application.
2. The City reserves the right to inspect the site prior to any construction activity in furtherance of the review process.
3. The City’s approval of the permit is for general compliance with local requirements and the KYDOW general permit. The designer is ultimately responsible for the details of design of the plan, with the property owner being responsible for implementation.
c. Right of Entry. The City of Bowling Green or its designated agent may enter the property of the applicant as deemed necessary to make regular inspections to ensure compliance with this Subchapter.
d. General Requirements for Construction Site Stormwater Management. Requirements for the design, maintenance, and a menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) are located in the City of Bowling Green Stormwater BMP Manual. Site construction in the City shall comply with the provisions of the BMP Manual.