If the staff of the Historic Preservation Board determines that the structure is at least fifty (50) years old and/or has any historic significance, which means it is eligible for Local Historic Designation or is listed, or eligible for listing in the National Register, the staff for the Historic Preservation Board shall notify the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. No demolition permit shall be issued until after the staff of the Historic Preservation Board has completed a thorough study of the structure and documented for future generations the historical significance of the structure. However, under no circumstances shall such study exceed thirty (30) calendar days in length. The time shall begin to run on the date following the end of the initial five-day waiting period. Demolition permits issued for historically significant properties may suggest that a portion of the structure be sold, donated or saved for future use.
(Ord. BG2006-27, 8/15/2006; reference Ord. BG2011-30, 6/27/2011)