5-2.01   Restrictions; Confinement of Livestock.
   a.   The raising or keeping of swine and the maintenance of pigpens within the City limits is prohibited, and is hereby declared to be a nuisance and a menace to public health.
   b.   The keeping or harboring of livestock in the City requires an individual tract, lot or parcel of property to be at least two (2) acres or more.
   c.   No person shall keep more than two (2) head of livestock on any lot within the City, unless the lot or contiguous tract contains at least four (4) acres and is under the same singular or joint ownership. Two (2) head of livestock, other than swine, may be kept thereon for each acre included therein up to fifty (50) acres, and the lot or tract is otherwise exempted from this Section. Any lot or tract larger than fifty (50) acres shall be entirely exempted from this Section.
   d.   No livestock of any kind shall be housed within one hundred (100’) feet of a neighboring residence, church or school in the City.
   e.   All livestock kept in the City shall be confined on the owner’s, keeper’s or harborer’s premises by a fence in good repair sufficient to prevent the animals from leaving the owner’s property. No livestock shall be permitted to go upon or over any sidewalk, upon any grass plot or into the yards, or upon the premises of any person within the City without the consent of the owner or occupant of such premises and the livestock is under the direct control of the owner, keeper or harborer. Livestock found not restrained by a fence in good repair and which present a threat to the public safety may be removed or impounded at the expense of the owner, keeper or harborer.
(Ord. BG2006-5, 3/7/2006; Ord. BG2021-14, 5/4/2021)