5-1.15   Vicious or Dangerous Animals.
   a.   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, own or harbor, or allow to be kept on his/her property, any vicious or dangerous animal, as defined hereinabove, except as follows:
      1.   Such person shall keep such animal securely confined indoors or in an enclosure securely fenced so that the animal cannot escape therefrom and is secured from entry by young children. Any outdoor pen or structure must have minimum dimensions of five (5’) feet by ten (10’) feet and must have secure sides and a secure top. If it has no concrete, cement or asphalt bottom, the sides must be imbedded into the ground no less than two (2’) feet. The enclosure must also provide protection from the elements for the animal. A vicious or dangerous animal shall be transported to or from the indoors or to a securely enclosed outdoor pen or shelter only if such animal is muzzled and restrained by a suitable chain, leash or other means of appropriate restraint, which chain or leash is not more than six (6’) feet in length and a responsible adult capable of controlling the animal is in physical control of the chain or leash.
   b.   If a vicious or dangerous animal escapes its enclosure or is found at large, the animal shall be seized and impounded. If during the course of seizure and impoundment the animal poses a physical threat to any person or domestic animal, any enforcement official may render the animal immobile by means of reasonable measures or necessary force, including, but not limited to, the use of tranquilizers or other safe drugs, or if that is not possible under the circumstances, the animal may be killed.
(Ord. BG80-63, S6-50, 7/15/80; Ord. BG84-17, 5/1/84; Ord. BG84-26, 6/5/84; Ord. 89-31, 8/1/89; Ord. BG90-51, 9/18/90; Ord. BG2006-5, 3/7/2006; Ord. BG2022-12, 4/19/2022)