2-4.01   Departments, Divisions, Offices Established; Enumerated.
   The following named departments, divisions and offices are hereby established for the administration of the affairs of the City:
   a.   Office of City Manager.
      1.   Office of City Clerk.
      2.   Office of Internal Auditor.
      3.   Office of Public Information.
   b.   Department of Finance.
      1.   Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial Officer.
      2.   Revenue Division.
      3.   Accounting Division.
      4.   Procurement Division.
   c.   Department of Information Technology.
   d.   Department of Human Resources and Risk Management.
      1.   Human Resources Director.
      2.   Human Resources Management Division.
      3.   Employee Benefits and Wellness Division.
      4.   Risk Management Division.
   e.   Department of Law.
   f.   Department of Public Works.
      1.   Public Works Director.
      2.   Planning and Design Division.
      3.   Operations Division.
      4.   Fleet Management Division.
      5.   Facilities Management Division.
   g.   Department of Police.
      1.   Chief of Police.
      2.   Police Administration.
      3.   Support Services Bureau.
         i.   Logistics Division.
         ii.   Professional Standards Division.
      4.   Field Operations Bureau.
         i.   Criminal Investigations Division.
         ii.   Patrol Operations Division.
         iii.   Communications Division.
   h.   Department of Fire.
      1.   Chief of Fire.
      2.   Fire Administration.
      3.   Fire Suppression Division.
      4.   Fire Prevention and Fire Code Enforcement Division.
      5.   Fire Training Division.
   i.   Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
      1.   Neighborhood and Community Services Director.
      2.   Neighborhood Services Division.
      3.   Housing Division.
      4.   Building and Inspection Division.
      5.   Code Compliance and Animal Protection Division.
      6.   International Communities Liaison Division.
      7.   Downtown Development Division.
   j.   Department of Parks and Recreation.
      1.   Parks and Recreation Director.
      2.   Parks Maintenance Division.
      3.   Landscape Division.
      4.   Recreation Division.
      5.   Sports and Wellness Division.
      6.   Golf Course Division.
      7.   Cemetery Administration Division.
(Ord. BG2000-26, 6/30/2000; Ord. BG2001-21, 6/19/2001; Ord. BG2001-55, 11/8/2001; Ord. BG2002-11, 3/5/2002; Ord. BG2002-39, 8/20/2002; Ord. BG2006-20, 6/26/2006; Ord. BG2011-30, 6/27/2011; Ord. BG2018-40, 9/26/2018; Ord. BG2018-49, 12/18/2018; Ord. BG2021-31; Ord. BG2023-28, 10/17/2023)