2-2.20   Rules of Debate.
   a.   Recognition. Any Commissioner wishing to speak on an item shall request recognition from the presiding officer. The presiding officer shall recognize any Commissioner requesting recognition unless a motion taking precedence is offered.
   b.   Manner of speaking. No Commissioner shall speak on an item, nor interrupt another, nor make a motion without recognition from the presiding officer. No Commissioner who has been recognized by the presiding officer shall be interrupted by another member of the Board of Commissioners without his or her consent, unless it is to call him to order. Every Commissioner shall confine himself or herself to the question and shall not use unbecoming or abusive language.
   c.   Motions. Every motion shall be made orally and must have a mover and a second. Once a motion has been made and seconded, it shall be disposed of by vote. The mover may withdraw a motion at any time before it has been amended or before a vote if a majority of the Board of Commissioners consents.
   d.   Motions taking precedence. When an item is under debate, no motions may be considered except one of the following, which motions shall take precedence in the order stated:
      (1)   To adjourn
      (2)   To end debate (call for question)
      (3)   To postpone to a certain time
      (4)   To amend
      (5)   To table (postpone indefinitely)
      (6)   To recess
   e.   Motions to amend. When an ordinance, municipal order or resolution is under debate, a motion to amend shall be in order, but no further motion to amend shall be in order until the disposition of that motion. An ordinance may be amended at second reading by a vote of a majority of the Board of Commissioners in attendance; provided, however, that a material change in the ordinance shall require a new first reading.
   f.   Motions to adjourn or recess. A motion to adjourn or recess shall be in order except when a Commissioner is speaking or when a roll call vote is in progress.
   g.   Motions to recall. Any ordinances, municipal orders or resolutions postponed to a certain time shall be added to the proposed agenda for the designated time by the City Clerk and shall not require a motion by the Board of Commissioners to add to the agenda. Any ordinance, municipal order or resolution postponed indefinitely (tabled) shall require a motion and second to remove the item from the table and to add the item to the proposed agenda.
   h.   Motions not debatable. There shall be no discussion of the following motions:
      (1)   To adjourn or recess
      (2)   To table (postpone indefinitely)
      (3)   To end debate (call for question)
      (4)   To remove from the table
      (5)   To withdraw a motion
(Ord. BG2001-12, 3/6/2001; Ord. BG2007-8, 4/3/2007)