§ 90.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is provided shall be subject to § 10.99.
   (B)   Any owner keeping such nuisance dog in violation of § 90.008(A) shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to six months.
   (C)   Any person responsible for maintaining a vicious animal as defined by § 90.001 and 90.009 shall be fined not less than $50 for the first offense, and not less than $200 or more than $500 for the second or subsequent offense. The court, upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense, may, in its discretion, order the killing or destruction, or permanent removal from the city limits, of a vicious animal.
   (D)   A person violating the provisions of § 90.013 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to six months.
   (E)   (1)   Any dog which is impounded as a vicious dog may, at the discretion of the impounding city officer, be impounded for a period of ten days from the date of pickup.
      (2)   Any person responsible for maintaining a vicious dog, as defined by this chapter, shall be fined not less than $100 for the first offense and not less than $200 or more than $500 for the second or subsequent offense. The court, upon conviction of a second or subsequent offense, may, in its discretion, order the destruction of a vicious dog.
      (3)   Any person violating any other provisions of §§ 90.030 through 90.033 not otherwise provided for shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to six months.
   (F)   Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of §§ 90.045 through 90.050 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to six months.
   (G)   Any person or persons found guilty of any violation of the provisions of §§ 90.065 or 90.066 shall be adjudged guilty of a nuisance and be fined not less than $20 or more than $100.
   (H)   Any person violating any section of §§ 90.080 through 90.083 shall be guilty of guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment for up to six months.
(Ord. 2005-01, passed 11-8-2004)