   (A)   As histories for the code sections, the specific number and passage date of the original ordinance, and amending ordinances, if any, are listed following the text of the code section. Example:
         (Ord. 10, passed 5-13-1960; Ord. 15, passed 1-1-1970; Ord. 20, passed 1-1-1980; Ord. 25, passed 1-1-1985)
   (B)   (1)   If a statutory cite is included in the history, this indicates that the text of the section reads substantially the same as the statute. Example:
         (M.C.A. § 2-6-1012)
      (2)   If a statutory cite is set forth as a “statutory reference” following the text of the section, this indicates that the reader should refer to that statute for further information. Example:
            This municipality shall make available to any person for inspection or copying all public records, unless otherwise exempted by state law.
         Statutory reference:
            Inspection of public records, see M.C.A. §§ 2-6-1012 et seq.
   All offenses committed under laws in force prior to the effective date of this code shall be prosecuted and remain punishable as provided by those laws. This code does not affect any rights or liabilities accrued, penalties incurred or proceedings begun prior to the effective date of this code. The liabilities, proceedings and rights are continued; punishments, penalties or forfeitures shall be enforced and imposed as if this code had not been enacted. In particular, any agreement granting permission to utilize highway rights-of-way, contracts entered into or franchises granted, the acceptance, establishment or vacation of any highway, and the election of corporate officers shall remain valid in all respects, as if this code had not been enacted.
   (A)   The city shall include the land depicted within the corporate limits of the city shown on the “Official Boundary Map of Boulder, Montana.”
   (B)   The “Official Boundary Map of Boulder, Montana,” and all notations, references and other information shown on the map are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this section.
   (C)   The official boundary map shall be kept in City Hall, and shall demonstrate and depict the current status of boundaries of the city jurisdictional area.
   (D)   The official boundary map shall bear the signature of the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk-Treasurer, and the date of adoption of this section.
   (E)   The official boundary map shall bear the seal of the city under the following words “This is to certify that this is the official boundary map of Boulder, Montana, referred to in Ordinance Number 2008-02 of the City of Boulder, Montana.”
   (F)   Whenever any changes are made to city boundaries, those changes approved by the City Council shall be promptly entered on the official boundary map, and a signed and dated certification attached to the map.
   (G)   No changes of any nature shall be made to the official boundary map without approval of the Mayor and City Council.
   (H)   A copy of the official boundary map, duly certified by the City Clerk, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder. Each change to the official boundary map adopted by the Mayor and City Council, duly certified by the City Clerk, shall likewise be filed in the office of the Clerk and Recorder.
   (I)   In the event that the official boundary map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret, the City Council may by resolution adopt a new official boundary map which shall supersede the prior official boundary map. The new official boundary map may correct drafting or other errors or omissions in the prior map, but no such corrections shall have the effect of amending the original official boundary map or any subsequent amendment thereof. The new map shall be certified in the same manner as the original official boundary map, noting that it supersedes the prior map.
(Ord. 2008-02, passed 3-10-2008)
   (A)   Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this code for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall, upon conviction, be subject to the following:
      (1)   A fine not exceeding $2,500 for the first violation; and
      (2)   A fine not exceeding $7,500 for second and subsequent violations, except for violations of ordinances regulating traffic and parking.
   (B)   A separate violation shall be deemed committed upon each day during which a violation occurs or continues.