(A)   A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals if he or she knowingly or negligently subjects an animal to mistreatment or neglect by:
      (1)   Inflicting pain upon or injuring any animal;
      (2)   Provoking, haranguing, teasing, tormenting or in anyway disturbing a dog or other animal with the intent to cause it to bark or attack any person;
      (3)   Laying out or exposing any poison for the purpose of killing any animal;
      (4)   Overworking, beating, tormenting, injuring or killing any animal;
      (5)   Carrying any animal in a cruel manner;
      (6)   Failing to provide an animal in his or her custody with proper food, drink or shelter;
      (7)   Promoting, sponsoring, conducting or participating in a horse race of more than two miles; or
      (8)   Promoting, sponsoring or conducting or participating in any fight between any animals.
   (B)   Any animal whose owner has been charged with cruelty to that animal may be retained at the animal shelter until disposition of the charge, if the Animal Control Officer believes that returning the animal to the owner may endanger its life. At the hearing, if the owner is convicted, the judge shall determine whether the animal will be returned to the owner or placed for adoption by the animal shelter.
(Ord. 2005-01, passed 11-8-2004) Penalty, see § 90.999