Site Cleared of Trees and Vegetation; Soil Disturbances
720.01   Site substantially cleared of trees and vegetation declared a nuisance.
720.02   Soil disturbances prohibited without permit; using site cleared of trees and vegetation prohibited without permit.
720.03   Application for permit.
720.04   Performance surety.
720.05   Granting of permit.
720.06   Grade and topography alterations not applicable.
720.07   Uses not applicable or permitted hereunder.
720.08   Commercial removal prohibited; permit required.
720.09   Soil near streets or dwellings.
720.10   Nuisance prohibited.
720.11   Adequate drainage.
720.12   Minimum remaining soil.
720.13   Reseeding area of removal.
720.14   Appeal to Council.
Removal of soil or earth - see P. & Z. 1153.09