The second-named street in the following list of intersections is hereby designated as a main traveled or through street and the Administrator shall erect stop signs on the first named street at the entrance to the main traveled or through street. The effect of the stop signs on vehicles and pedestrians shall be as provided in G.S. §§ 20-158 and 20-172.
Stop Street | Through Street |
Stop Street | Through Street |
Appalachian Drive | Forest Hill Drive |
Arbor Lane | Tracy Circle |
Arrowhead Court | Market Hills Drive |
Azalea Drive | Highway 105 Extension |
Bear Trail | Grand Boulevard |
Eastview Drive | |
Berkley Avenue | Beverly Heights Avenue |
State Farm Road | |
Beverly Heights Avenue | Highway 105 Extension |
Birch Street | Doctors Drive |
Furman Road | |
Kimberly Drive | |
Blairmont Drive | Deerfield Road |
Blanwood Drive | Horn-in-the-West Drive |
Woodland Drive | |
Blue Ridge Avenue | Buena Vista Drive |
Watauga Drive | |
Boone Creek Drive | Winklers Creek Road |
Boone Docks Street | Meadowview Drive |
Breckonshire Drive | Fairway Drive |
Brookside Drive | Farthing Street |
Brown Street | Howard Street |
Buena Vista Drive | Farthing Street |
Tracy Circle | |
Burrell Street | Rivers Street |
Carolina Avenue | North Street |
Summit Street | |
Casey Lane | New River Hills |
Castle Heights | Chestnut Drive |
Farthing Street | |
Cecil Miller Road | New River Heights |
New River Hills | |
Old E King Street | |
Chandy Street | Poplar Hill Drive |
Charles Street | Queen Street |
Chase Hill Drive | Kellwood Drive |
Cherokee Street | Grove Street |
Cherry Drive | Eastbrook Drive |
W King Street | |
Cherrybrook Lane | Cherry Drive |
Chestnut Drive | E King Street |
Church Street | Junaluska Road |
North Street | |
Clawson Street | Perkinsville Drive |
Clement Street | Oak Street |
Coffey Street | Howard Street |
W King Street | |
Cole Street | Old E King Street |
Councill Street | Cherry Drive |
Crest Drive | Tracy Circle |
Daniel Boone Drive | Daniel Boone Drive Extension |
Daniel Boone Drive Extension | Daniel Boone Drive |
Delmar Street | Old E King Street |
Doctors Drive | Furman Road |
Dogwood Road | Highway 105 |
Poplar Hill Drive | |
Dotson Drive | Park Street |
Dove Circle | Pheasant Ridge |
Eastbrook Drive | Hunting Road |
Eastridge Drive | Appalachian Drive |
Eastview Drive | Hunting Road |
Edgewood Drive | Glendale Drive |
Tracy Circle | |
Edora Street | Hillandale Drive |
Faculty Street | Highland Avenue |
Highway 105 | |
Faculty Street Extension | Highway 105 |
Winklers Creek Road | |
Fairview Drive | Dogwood Road |
Farthing Street | E King Street |
Ferncliff Road | Stadium Drive |
Franklin Drive | Dogwood Road |
Furman Road | Longvue Drive |
Gladys Street | Charles Street |
Gragg Street | Queen Street |
Grand Boulevard | Grand Boulevard |
W King Street | |
Grandview Heights | Poplar Grove Road |
Green Heights | Green Heights |
Queen Street | |
Green Street | Old Bristol Road |
W King Street | |
Grove Street | Perkinsville Drive |
Hamby Alley | Coffey Street |
Hampton Drive | Poplar Hill Drive |
Hawthorne Lane | Tanglewood Drive |
Hayes Street | Hill Street |
Hemlock Drive | Stadium Drive |
Hidden Valley Circle | Chestnut Drive |
Highland Avenue | Highway 105 |
Poplar Hill Drive | |
Highland Park Lane | Highland Avenue |
Hill Street | Rivers Street |
Hillandale Drive | Highland Avenue |
Hillcrest Circle | Farthing Street |
Hillside Drive | E King Street |
Woodland Drive | |
Hodges Street | Blowing Rock Road |
Longvue Drive | |
Horn Avenue | Horn-in-the-West Drive |
Highway 105 Extension | |
Horn-in-the-West Drive | Blowing Rock Road |
E King Street | |
Oak Street | |
Horseshoe Drive | Poplar Hill Drive |
Poplar Hill Drive | |
Howard Street | Appalachian Street |
College Street | |
Depot Street | |
Hunters Point | Hunting Hills Lane |
Hunting Road | Eastview Drive |
Industrial Park Drive | Brookshire Road |
Iris Lane | Orchard Street |
Ivy Drive | Greenway Road |
Meadowview Drive | |
Keystone Drive | Poplar Hill Drive |
Kimberly Drive | Deerfield Road |
Furman Road | |
Laurel Drive | Highway 105 Extension |
State Farm Road | |
Linney Street | Queen Street |
Longvue Drive | Blowing Rock Road |
Deerfield Road | |
Mac Street | E King Street |
Tracy Circle | |
Maple Drive | Chestnut Drive |
Market Court | Market Hills Drive |
Market Hills Drive | New Market Boulevard |
Martin Luther King Jr. Street | State Farm Road |
Mary Street | Deerfield Road |
W Virginia Street | |
Maryah Drive | Highway 105 |
Meadowview Drive | Blowing Rock Road |
Blowing Rock Road | |
Megan Lane | Appalachian Drive |
Moretz Drive | Rivers Street |
Morningside Drive | Daniel Boone Drive |
N Hampton Road | Highway 421 S |
New Market Boulevard | Highway 194 |
North Ridge Circle | Market Hills Drive |
North Ridge Circle | |
North Street | N Depot Street |
N Water Street | |
Oak Street | Clement Street |
E King Street | |
Horn-in-the-West Drive | |
Pine Street | |
Oakdale Drive | Highway 105 Extension |
Laurel Drive | |
Oakwood Drive | Appalachian Drive |
Eastridge Drive | |
Olancha Avenue | Beverly Heights Avenue |
VFW Drive | |
Old Bristol Road | W King Street |
W King Street | |
Orchard Street | Grand Boulevard |
Grand Boulevard | |
Overlook Drive | Laurel Drive |
Owens Drive | Daniel Boone Drive |
Palmer Drive | Blairmont Drive |
Park Street | Queen Street |
Perkins Street | Perkinsville Drive |
Perkinsville Drive | Grove Street |
Grove Street | |
Highway 421 S | |
Jefferson Road | |
Terrace Lane | |
Terrace Lane | |
Perry Street | New Market Boulevard |
Pheasant Ridge | Quail Drive |
Pine Street | Oak Street |
Poplar Hill Drive | Highland Avenue |
Highway 105 | |
Poplar Summit | Dogwood Road |
Quail Drive | Highway 105 Extension |
Queen | Grand Boulevard |
N Depot Street | |
N Depot Street | |
N Water Street | |
N Water Street | |
Straight Street | |
Straight Street | |
Racquet Road | State Farm Road |
Realty Row | Highway 105 Extension |
Rhododendron Lane | Appalachian Drive |
Ridgewood Drive | Queen Street |
Robin Lane | Dove Circle |
Rogers Drive | Meadowview Drive |
Russell Drive | Poplar Grove Road |
Sheridan Avenue | Beverly Heights Avenue |
Skyview Drive | Woodland Drive |
Southview Drive | Blairmont Drive |
Spring Street | Dogwood Road |
Spruce Street | Old E King Street |
Stadium Drive | Dogwood Road |
Straight Street | Queen Street |
W King Street | |
Summer Place Drive | Fairway Drive |
Summit Street | Junaluska Road |
Sunnyside Drive | State Farm Road |
Sunset Drive | Highway 105 Extension |
Tanglewood Drive | Stadium Drive |
Temple Drive | High School Drive |
Tracy Circle | Councill Street |
Edgewood Drive | |
Tremont Drive | Church Street |
N Depot Street | |
University Circle | Appalachian Drive |
Appalachian Drive | |
University Hall Drive | Blowing Rock Road |
VFW Drive | State Farm Road |
W Grandview Heights | Grandview Heights |
W Hilltop Drive | Cecil Miller Road |
W Virginia Street | Mary Street |
Wallace Circle | Orchard Street |
Orchard Street | |
Watauga Drive | Farthing Street |
Westbrook Drive | Cherry Drive |
Wey Street | Clement Street |
Whitener Drive | Hill Street |
Wickham Square | Fieldstream Drive |
Wildwood Lane | Forest Hill Drive |
Wind Walker Court | Market Hills Drive |
Windy Drive | Hillside Drive |
Oak Street | |
Winklers Meadow | Winklers Creek Road |
Wintergreen Lane | Faculty Street |
Highland Avenue | |
Wood Circle | E King Street |
Woodland Drive | Horn-in-the-West Drive |
Pine Street | |
Wyn Way | Junaluska Road |
Yosef Drive | Brookshire Road |
Highway 421 S | |
Zeb Street | Leola Street |
(Prior Code, Ch. 73, Sch. III) (Ord. passed 11-19-2009; Ord. passed 12-16-2019)