For preliminary plats, conditional use permits, variances or planned unit developments subject to the requirements of this subchapter, an optional preliminary grading/stormwater management and erosion control plan may be submitted at the time of application in lieu of the plans required at sections 12-724.1 through 12-724.3 of this subchapter, subject to the following:
   A.   The optional preliminary grading/stormwater management and erosion control plan shall bear the stamp or signature of a design professional and shall contain the following:
      1.   A project summary describing the proposed improvements to the site and identifying the existing site characteristics, including slope, soil type and ground cover.
      2.   A site plan at a scale not to exceed one inch equals two hundred feet (1" = 200'), indicating the location of proposed roadways, any proposed grassed infiltration areas, surface water, seasonal drainages, wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas. The site plan shall include flow arrows to indicate slope and sufficient topographic information to show the contours of the land. (Use of USGS map is acceptable, provided the scale corresponds to the site plan scale.)
      3.   Calculations for each drainage area showing the total proposed impervious surface, capacity of conveyances, grassed infiltration areas and retention basins and the design storm yield expected at the site.
      4.   Photographs of the site, including the proposed road approach.
      5.   A statement from the design professional confirming the site is capable of being developed consistent with the performance standards of this subchapter.
   B.   Bonner County planning department shall review the optional preliminary grading/stormwater management and erosion control plan using the procedures set forth at section 12-268 of this title. Upon completion of the review, the preliminary plan shall be considered by the governing body concurrently with the corresponding land use application.
   C.   Once Bonner County has approved the preliminary plan and corresponding application and prior to any development, the applicant shall submit to the planning department the required fees and final grading/stormwater management and erosion control plan that meets the applicable requirements of sections 12-723.1 through 12-726 of this subchapter.
   D.   The planning director or designee shall review the final plan and inform the applicant in writing whether the plan is complete and approved or incomplete. If the plan is incomplete, the director shall advise the applicant in writing of the required information or revisions needed to complete the plan.
   E.   The planning director shall issue a written "notice to proceed" once the final plan has been approved. No construction or development of the site shall occur until the notice to proceed has been issued.
   F.   Any determination made by the planning director in the administration of this section may be appealed to the board, pursuant to section 12-261 of this title.
   G.   Failure to submit the final plan or obtain the notice to proceed prior to initiation of construction is a violation of this subchapter and is subject to the enforcement actions, fees and fines of this title. (Ord. 524, 1-11-2012)