A. Voluntary Service: Residential curbside composting is a voluntary service available to all residential properties. Residential customers who choose to participate in the composting program shall be provided with a gray wheeled cart with a green lid.
B. Accepted Materials: Only compostable materials are accepted in the composting program. The items listed as compostable materials for collection, as defined above, may be modified as needed.
C. Excluded Materials: All other materials are excluded from the compost program. Specific examples include meat eating animal wastes, meats, dairy products, oils/grease, breads, grains, pasta, fish, dirt and rocks and other recyclable and trash materials. Other wastes shall not be mixed with the compostable materials. No plastic bags shall be used to contain compostable materials. Materials labeled "compostable" or "bio-based," including, but not limited to, plastic-type bags, cutlery, and cups, are not accepted. Contaminated compostable materials will not be collected and will be emptied as trash and the customer may be charged for extra trash collection. The list of excluded materials may be modified as needed.
D. Branches And Christmas Trees: Branches and tree trimmings up to eight inches (8") in diameter may be set out for collection next to the compost cart. Branches and trimmings must be four feet (4') or less in length, less than sixty (60) pounds, and bundled with string. Christmas trees placed for composting shall be clear of all ornaments, lights, tinsel and tree stands and placed for collection in or next to the composting cart. Trees should be cut to four feet (4') or less. Fill the composting cart first and place the other section(s) of the tree next to the composting cart.
E. Leaf Collection: Leaves are collected as compostable materials. The composting cart should be filled first. Extra leaves must be placed next to the cart in paper leaf bags. Paper leaf bags will be collected all year long. The Public Works Department may set limits as needed on the number of leaf bags collected each week per household.
F. Contaminated Compostable Materials: Containers used for compostable materials shall not contain trash or materials which are not allowed in the compost collection program. The City or franchise hauler may terminate services to any customer who violates this provision. Contaminated composting containers will be emptied as trash and the customer may be charged for extra trash collection services.
G. Extra Materials: Extra compostable materials must be placed in paper leaf bags. Materials will not be accepted in plastic bags.
(Ord. 21-17, 5-23-2017; amd. Ord. 10-21, 4-13-2021; Ord. 50-22, 11-1-2022)