All commercial trash and recycling customers shall sign a service agreement indicating a representative who will maintain responsibility for payment of the trash and recycling service fees. The actual owner of the business shall be held personally liable by the City for all outstanding balances if the commercial customer ceases to exist. In the event a property or waste management company is utilized by a commercial customer, the customer receiving the trash and recycling service shall ultimately be responsible for ensuring compliance with this chapter and payment of all fees, penalties and interest. Service may be refused or a deposit may be required for any commercial customer who has a documented poor payment history with the City or has no credit history with the City, unless and until a guarantor is secured to retain responsibility for payment of the service account. The guarantor must be an individual with a documented good credit history. The guarantor may be released from its obligation upon a showing that the customer receiving the service has made twelve (12) consecutive on time monthly payments.
(Ord. 21-17, 5-23-2017; amd. Ord. 10-21, 4-13-2021; Ord. 50-22, 11-1-2022)