There shall be the following classes of licenses with the respective fees as indicated:
   A.   License Classifications for on premises consumption:
      1.   Class D, Dining: A class D license permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises where sold and not for resale in any form. Such licenses shall only be issued to dining establishments where the service of alcoholic beverages is ancillary and incidental to service of food.
         a.   D-1, Beer And Wine Only: Sale in the original package for consumption off the premises is prohibited. Such licenses shall only be issued to a dining establishment with ten (10) to one hundred forty (140) seats; seats in excess of one hundred forty (140) (excluding outdoor seating) are subject to additional fees as noted in subsection B3a(1) of this section. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
         b.   D-2, Full Liquor Service: Sale in the original package for consumption off the premises is prohibited, except under recorking permission noted in subsection B3b of this section. Such licenses shall only be issued to dining establishments with ten (10) to one hundred forty (140) seats (excluding outdoor seating); seats in excess of one hundred forty (140) (excluding outdoor seating) are subject to additional fees as noted in subsection B3a(1) of this section. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750.00). Dining establishments with a special use permit for amusement games are subject to an additional fee as noted under subsection B3a(4) of this section.
         c.   Additional Services, Limitations And Fees:
         (1)   Additional License Fees:
            (a)   Dining establishments with a dining area in excess of one hundred forty (140) seats (excluding outdoor seating) are subject to an additional license fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00).
            (b)   Dining establishments with a D-2 full liquor license may request extended closing hours of one o'clock (1:00) A.M., Monday through Friday, and two o'clock (2:00) A.M., Saturday and Sunday, for an additional license fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00).
            (c)   Dining establishments with full liquor and dining area in excess of one hundred forty (140) seats (excluding outdoor seating) may request extended closing hours of two o'clock (2:00) A.M., Monday through Friday, and three o'clock (3:00) A.M., Saturday and Sunday, for an additional license fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00).
            (d)   Dining establishments with full liquor and a special use permit for amusement devices are required to pay an additional license fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00).
            (e)   Dining establishments with full liquor and a special use permit for live entertainment and/or dancing (excluding strolling musicians and smaller musical ensembles) are required to pay an additional license fee of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00).
            (f)   Dining establishments with a D-2 full liquor license may request "To Go" mixed drinks/cocktails and single servings of wine for an additional license fee of five hundred dollars ($750.00). Such sales and delivery require a State of Illinois Retailer Combined 1A Liquor License and rights terminate when the State liquor license category expires. The sale and delivery of "To Go" mixed drinks/cocktails and single servings of wine are further subject to the terms as conditions set forth by the State of Illinois Retailer Combined 1A liquor license, regarding but not limited to the following:
            i.   The use of a new/unused rigid container, what material it is made of and how it is to be filled and sealed.
            ii.   Information required on each drink label.
            iii.   How sealed drink containers can be delivered to the consumer, either over the counter; curbside delivery by the retailer's employee; or by a home delivery by the retailer employee.
            iv.   Means of delivery that are prohibited (drive-through, or delivery by third-party company).
            v.   Employee age and BASSET training requirements.
         (2)   Sealing And Removal Of Open Wine Bottles From Restaurants; Recorking: Dining establishments with a class D liquor license may permit a patron to remove one unsealed and partially consumed bottle of wine for off premises consumption, provided said patron purchased a meal and consumed a portion of the bottle of wine with the meal on the restaurant premises. The licensee shall provide a dated receipt for the bottle of wine to the patron. The partially consumed bottle of wine must be securely sealed by the licensee prior to removal from the premises and placed in a transparent, onetime use, tamperproof bag.
         (3)   Bring Your Own Bottle "BYOB": Patrons of dining establishments are prohibited from bringing in their own bottles of alcoholic beverages for consumption on dining establishment premises without a class D-2 liquor license. Patrons are permitted to bring a bottle of wine into dining establishments with a class D-2 liquor license, subject to the approval and any applicable "corking fee" of the class D-2 dining establishment, and provided said wine bottle is opened by and served by waitstaff in accordance with this chapter.
      2.   Class G, Golf Course And Clubhouse: A class G license permits the retail sale of liquor for consumption only on the premises where sold in conjunction with the operation of a golf course and clubhouse. The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
      3.   Class C, Churches, Civic Groups And Clubs: A class C license permits the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption only on the premises of churches, not for profit civic groups or organized clubs, such sales to be made only to members of said church, civic group or club and their guests. The annual fee for such license shall be based on the number of members in place at the time of issuance, as follows, and shall be subject to change upon renewal of such license; for: (i) Churches and civic groups the annual fee shall be $0.00; (ii) Clubs 500 members or less the annual fee shall be $500.00; and (iii) Clubs over 500 members the annual fee shall be $1,000.00.
      The number of members shall be furnished by a sworn statement by an officer of the club, indicating the number of members in good standing at the time of application, or at the time of renewal of said license. If, during the term of the license, the membership decreases to a lower fee, there shall be no refund of license fees paid for that year. No class C license shall be issued until it has been determined by the local liquor control commissioner that the entity applying for the license is organized for some purpose or object other than the sale or consumption of alcoholic liquor.
      4.   Class H, Hotel: A class H license permits the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption only on the premises where sold, where such establishment is located within a hotel or under separate ownership within a resort and is limited to a single location within the facility. A class H license shall also permit the retail sale of packaged beer and wine at the front hotel reception desk. All packaged beer and wine shall be contained within an enclosed area not to exceed thirty five (35) cubic feet, with said inventory and sale under direct and constant supervision of an employee of the hotel who is twenty one (21) years of age and BASSET certified. All beer and wine inventory must be properly secured when not under direct supervision. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for a lounge with a maximum seating capacity of fifty (50) persons, and one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750.00) for a lounge with a seating capacity in excess of fifty (50) persons.
      5.   Class R, Resort: A class R license permits the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption at more than one location on the premises within the resort facility, including, but not limited to: golf course, restaurants, banquet facilities, room service, and in room minibars. A class R license shall also permit the retail sale of wine in sealed bottles within the resort, resort restaurants and pro shop, for consumption either on or off the premises where sold. Off site promotion of said packaged wine sales is strictly prohibited. The annual license fee shall be the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), plus the sum of six hundred dollars ($600.00) for each principal location upon the premises from which any alcoholic liquor is sold at retail.
      6.   Class E, Entertainment: A class E entertainment license permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises where sold and not for resale in any form. Sale in the original package for consumption off the premises is prohibited. Such licenses shall only be issued to establishments with a total floor area equal to or greater than thirty five thousand (35,000) square feet, with a special use permit for game rooms and/or live entertainment, and where the service of alcoholic beverages is ancillary and incidental to entertainment services.
         a.   E-1, beer and wine only: The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
         b.   E-2, full liquor service: The annual fee for such license shall be three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($3,250.00).
      7.   Class MT, Movie Theater: A Class MT movie theater license permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises where sold and not for resale in any form. Sale in the original package for consumption off the premises is prohibited. Such licenses shall only be issued to establishments with a total floor area equal to or greater than fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, with the primary purpose of showing films with a minimum of sixteen (16) individual theaters, and where the service of alcoholic beverages is ancillary and incidental to movie theater.
         a.   MT-1, beer and wine only: The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
         b.   MT-2, full liquor service: The annual fee for such license shall be three thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($3,250.00).
      8.   Class F, Funeral:
         a.   A Class F license authorizes the retail sale of alcoholic liquor with meal service for consumption only on the premises of a funeral establishment subject to the following conditions:
         (1)   The holder of a Class F license must hold a current license as a funeral director or funeral director and embalmer issued by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation pursuant to 224 ILCS 51/1-1, et seq.;
         (2)   The holder of a Class F license must own, lease or hold a beneficial interest in the ownership of the funeral establishment;
         (3)   The business activities of the funeral establishment shall be limited to the shelter, care, custody and preparation of deceased human bodies and the hosting of funeral services, memorial services or wakes;
         (4)   Alcoholic liquor may only be served to the attendees of funeral services, memorial services, or wakes, and only while such events are in progress and not before the hour of eleven o'clock (11:00) A.M. or after the hour of nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. on each day;
         (5)   Each funeral service, memorial service or wake at which alcoholic liquor is served or sold must be prearranged under the sponsorship of a particular person, group of persons, or organization; and alcoholic liquor must be served under the oversight of a holder of a valid local liquor license that also holds a State of Illinois liquor license;
         (6)   No alcoholic liquor shall be provided by a caterer as part of a meal package or otherwise unless the caterer is the holder of a valid Village of Bloomingdale Class T liquor license.
         b.   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
         (1)   Funeral Directing: Conducting or engaging in the practice of preparing for the burial, cremation, or disposition and directing and supervising the burial or disposition of deceased human remains and the practice of operating a place for preparing for the disposition of deceased human bodies or for caring for the deceased human bodies before their disposition.
         (2)   Funeral Director: A person, known by the title of "funeral director" or other similar words or titles, licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation who practices funeral directing.
         (3)   Funeral Director And Embalmer: A person who is licensed and qualified to practice funeral directing and to prepare, disinfect and preserve dead human bodies by the injection or external application of antiseptics, disinfectants, or preservative fluids and materials and to use derma surgery or plastic art for the restoring or mutilated features. It further means a person who restores the remains of a person for the purpose of funeralization whose organs or bone or tissue has been donated for anatomical purposes.
         (4)   Funeral Establishment: A building or separate portion of a building having a specific street address or location and devoted to activities relating to the shelter, care, custody and preparation of a deceased human body and which may contain facilities for funeral, memorial or wake services.
         c.   The annual fee for the license shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).
      9.   Class S, Cosmetic Facility: A class S cosmetic facility license permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises where sold and not for resale in any form. Sale in the original package for consumption off the premises is prohibited. Such licenses shall only be issued to establishments with a valid business license to operate a barbershop/salon, and where the service of alcoholic beverages is ancillary and incidental to cosmetic services. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and subject to the following conditions:
         a.   A class S license allows only the sale of champagne and wine to customers for on premises consumption while receiving cosmetic services.
         b.   The sale of alcoholic beverages is restricted the normal business hours of the barbershop/salon, and in no event shall champagne or wine be sold past nine o'clock (9:00) P.M. on any given day.
         c.   Each individual customer shall be served no more than two (2) alcoholic beverages during any one calendar day.
   B.   License Classifications for Off-Premises Consumption:
      1.   Class P, Packaged Liquor Sales: A class P license shall permit the retail sale of alcoholic liquor in sealed packages but not for consumption on the premises where sold.
         a.   Class P-1 License: Incidental sales, where the retail sale of alcoholic liquor is incidental to the sale of any other goods and products. Such licenses shall only be issued to business establishments with a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet of floor area; provided, that the maximum area dedicated to the sale of alcoholic liquor shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total floor area. The retail sale of alcoholic liquor ordered by telephone, facsimile or other similar method and delivered, mailed or shipped to the purchaser or any other party is prohibited, except under a separate approval process and payment of an additional fee as noted in subsection A5a of this section. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750.00).
         b.   Class P-2 License: Primary sales, where the retail sale of alcoholic liquor in sealed packages is not incidental to the sale of any other goods or products, subject to any and all conditions set forth in any special use permit ordinances pertaining to the location. The annual fee for such license is one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) for a business establishment with a maximum floor area below eight thousand (8,000) square feet, and two thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($2,250.00) for a business establishment with a maximum floor area of eight thousand (8,000) square feet or greater.
      The retail sale of alcoholic liquor ordered by telephone, facsimile or other similar method, delivered, mailed or shipped to the purchaser or any other party is prohibited, except where separate approval and additional fees have been secured as noted in subsection A5a of this section.
         c.   Class P-3 License: Convenience sales package sales allowed as an adjunct to a grocery establishment wherein the area set aside for groceries is a minimum of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of floor space. The preliminary purpose of the grocery establishment being the sale of food and food items with the area set aside for liquor sales not to exceed one hundred and fifty (150) square feet of total floor area which may include refrigerated space and/or total floor area. The sale of individual beer can and/or bottle is prohibited. A Class P-3 license holder is not eligible for a Class TS supplemental license. The advertisement of alcoholic products on windows and/or exterior signage is prohibited. The annual fee for such license is one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00).
         d.   Class P-4: On Premise Consumption: retail sale of packaged alcoholic liquors for consumption off the premises and the sale of spirits, beer, wine and sake for consumption on the premises as an incidental part of a grocery store that has a minimum gross floor area of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. Class P4 licenses shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations for the sale of alcohol, in original packages, unopened only as follows:
         (1)   Not more than ten percent (10%) of the gross floor area shall be devoted to the sale of liquor products.
         (2)   Alcohol sold in original packages and intended for off premises consumption shall not be opened or consumed on the premises or in any designated seating/serving area.
         (3)   The sale of liquor intended for consumption on the premises shall be limited to individual servings of spirits, beer, wine or sake.
         (4)   The sale of spirits, beer, wine or sake, for consumption on the premises, shall be served only in a designated seating/serving area, which includes an area where food is prepared and regularly served on the premises. Such food shall include hot or cold sandwiches, appetizers, tapas, sushi, baked goods or other similar foods.
         (5)   The consumption of spirits, beer, wine and sake on the premises shall be permitted in the designated seating/serving area as well as the shopping areas throughout the premises; however, the licensee shall mark, with conspicuous signage, the area past which consumption of spirits, beer, wine and sake is no longer permitted.
         (6)   The designated seating/serving area for customers consuming spirits, beer, wine or sake on the premises shall be limited to five percent (5%) of the gross floor area.
         (7)   It is intended that the service of spirits, beer, wine and sake is merely adjunct to the operation of a grocery store and that the facility shall not be advertised or otherwise held out to be a drinking establishment.
         (8)   Hours for the sale of packaged alcoholic liquor, for consumption off the premises shall be in accordance with this Code but in no case shall the sale of spirits, beer, wine or sake take place outside of the normal business hours of the grocery store.
         (9)   The establishment does not engage in the retail sale of goods outside of groceries such as, but not limited to, clothing, shoes, home goods, electronics, and sporting goods.
         (10)   The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($2,750.00).
         (11)   The retail sale of alcoholic liquor ordered by telephone, facsimile or other similar method, delivered, mailed or shipped to the purchaser or any other party is prohibited, except where separate approval and additional fees have been secured through obtaining a Class TI license.
         e.   Additional Services, Limitations And Fees:
         (1)   Sampling: For purposes of marketing the sale of wine, wine coolers or premium beers for off premises consumption, the holder of a valid class P liquor license may offer for consumption on the licensed premises wine, wine coolers, or premium beer samplings, not to exceed two (2) one-ounce samples per patron during any business day. Sampling distribution for P-1 and P-4 licensees shall be conducted within or immediately adjacent to an area containing wine and/or beer for retail sale and shall be no closer than fifteen feet (15') from the closest interior edge of any checkout lane. A person otherwise qualified under this section to deliver wine and beer shall be present and deliver all samples to potential customers.
   C.   Specialty License Classifications:
      1.   Class O, Off Premises Liquor Sales: A class O license permits the off premises retail sale of alcoholic liquor in connection with the operation of a catering business. The sale of alcoholic liquor shall be made in conjunction with the catering of prepared foods for private functions and for consumption only on the premises where the food is catered (except where permitted in subsection H4 of this section). The sale of alcoholic liquor shall be incidental to the food service (except where permitted in subsection H4 of this section) and if the catered event does not qualify as a private function, a class T temporary liquor license shall also be required for the location of the catered event. No cash bar shall be permitted (except where permitted in subsection H4 of this section). Permitted hours: eleven o'clock (11:00) A.M. Monday through Friday, eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. Saturday and Sunday to twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight Sunday through Thursday, one o'clock (1:00) A.M. Friday and Saturday. The fee for such license shall be as follows:
         a.   Five hundred dollars ($500.00) for catering business headquartered in the village that also holds a class D or G village liquor license. The initial application fee is waived, provided the ownership and management is consistent with their class D or G village liquor license.
         b.   One thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for catering business headquartered in the village without a class D or G village liquor license.
         c.   Two hundred dollars ($200.00) per day for a catering business not headquartered in the village. In addition to complying with all other application requirements, the catering business must furnish a copy of both their state of Illinois and municipal catering liquor license. The application fee is waived provided the issuing municipality performed proper background checks on the licensee and manager.
         d.   One thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for a catering business with an exclusive agreement with Scottish Rite to sell and serve alcoholic liquor for consumption on their premises at 383 East Lake Street, Bloomingdale, Illinois. The initial application fee is waived, if both the catering business ownership and management is consistent with a current class D or G village liquor license.
      2.   Class BP, Brewpub: A restaurant-brewery that sells its beer on site. The beer is brewed primarily for sale in the restaurant and bar. The beer is often dispensed directly from the brewery's storage tanks. Where permitted by the establishment's liquor license, the brewpub may be permitted to sell beer that is produced and packaged in a sealed container on site, "to go". Such licenses shall only be issued to a dining establishment with ten (10) to one hundred forty (140) seats. The annual fee for such license shall be one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars ($1,750.00). The annual fee for such licenses issued to establishments with seats in excess of one hundred forty (140) (excluding outdoor seating) shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Brewpubs are required to meet all applicable federal and state licensing standards.
      3.   Class MB, Microbrewery: A business establishment where malt beverages of alcoholic content are produced for distribution, retail or wholesale, on or off premises, with a capacity of less than fifteen thousand (15,000) U.S. barrels of beer per calendar year. The establishment may include, as an ancillary use, an onsite taste testing area, full-service liquor, and other uses such as a restaurant or tavern as permitted by the Village of Bloomingdale zoning ordinance and/or Liquor Commissioner. Such licenses shall only be issued to an establishment of at least three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet with at least seven hundred (700) square feet dedicated to the specific purpose of brewing malt beverages of alcoholic content. The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Microbreweries are required to meet all applicable Federal and State licensing standards and laws.
      4.   Class MW, Micro-winery: A business establishment where wine with alcoholic content is produced, ferment-ed and aged for distribution, retail or wholesale, on or off premises with a capacity of less than 10,000 cases per calendar year and where the grapes and/or other fruit is grown in an offsite, re-mote location. For the purpose of this definition, a case shall be defined as twelve (12), 750 ml bottles. The establishment may include, as an ancillary use, an onsite taste testing area and other uses such as food sampling, as permitted by the Village of Bloomingdale Zoning Ordinance and/or Liquor Commissioner. The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Micro-wineries are required to meet all applicable Federal and State licensing standards and laws.
      5.   Class MD, Micro-distillery: A business establishment where alcoholic spirits are produced, distilled, and aged for distribution in the original package for consumption off the premises only; to sell at retail alcoholic spirits manufactured on the premises; to maintain facilities on the premises for the manufacture of alcoholic spirits as authorized by the Illinois State Liquor Commission; and to store and distribute the manufactured alcoholic spirits on and from the licensed premises. A Class MD license holder shall manufacture alcoholic spirits in quantities not greater than five thousand (5,000) gallons per calendar year. The portion of the licensed premises dedicated to the manufacturing of alcoholic spirits shall be segregated from the remainder of the premises and shall not be generally accessible to the public. The establishment may include, as an ancillary use, an onsite taste testing area and other uses such as food sampling, as permitted by the Village of Bloomingdale Zoning Ordinance and/or Liquor Commissioner. The annual fee for such license shall be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00). Micro-distilleries are required to meet all applicable Federal and State licensing standards and laws.
      6.   Class BS, Bottle Shop: A business establishment that sells primarily specialty beer and wine for consumption on-site; and authorizes the retail sale of specialty beer and wine in its original sealed packaging for consumption off-premises. Sealing and removal of partially consumed wine bottles for off premises consumption is prohibited.
      7.   Class DR, Dining Retail: A class DR license permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages and liquors for consumption on the premises of a dining establishment that also includes a dedicated retail component of the premises. Such licenses shall only be issued to dining establishments where the service of alcoholic beverages and retail sale of wine is ancillary and incidental to service of food. Class DR licenses shall authorize the retail sale of wine in original packages only within the retail area of the premises. The retail wine area shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total square footage of the premises. Further, wine tasting and sampling bars shall be permitted in the retail wine area of said premises, but said tasting may only be conducted in accordance with, and after obtaining, a Class TS, Tasting License. The annual fee for such license shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000.00).
   D.   Supplemental License Classifications:
      1.   Class T, Temporary: A class T license permits the temporary retail sale of beer, wine and wine coolers for consumption only on the premises where sold, and not for resale in any form, to be issued for temporary stands, booths and counters such as used at picnics, celebrations and the like, with specific locations designated on the license. Such licenses shall only be issued for events hosted by the Village, the Bloomingdale Park District, or civic, patriotic, fraternal, educational, religious or benevolent organizations. The associated fee for a class T liquor license shall be $50.00 per permit.
      The Class T license is a supplemental license available only to village business establishments in good standing holding a Class D (Dining), Class BP (Brewpub), Class MB (Microbrewery), or Class MW (Micro-winery) liquor license. The supplemental license shall provide a certificate of insurance of liquor liability (dramshop) coverage, specifically referencing the applicable event, its location and dates, and naming the Village of Bloomingdale or the Bloomingdale Park District where applicable, as an "additional insured" for such coverage. The supplemental license shall be considered part of the regular, current liquor license and subject to all other requirements provided by Village Code related thereto. Any and all violations of this chapter involving the sale of liquor at any event pursuant to this supplemental license shall also accrue to the primary license itself, subjecting the primary license to suspension or revocation as provided in section 4-2-27 of this chapter.
      A Class T license for the temporary retail sale of beer, wine and wine coolers for consumption only on the premises where stated on the permit, and not for resale in any form shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations:
         a.   A Class T License shall be issued for a period not to exceed twenty four (24) hours;
         (1)   A Class T License shall not be issued to a location that permits smoking on the premises where the alcohol will be served or consumed.
         (2)   A Class T License shall not be issued to any establishment licensed to operate video gaming terminals, as defined under the Illinois Video Gaming Act, 230 ILCS 40/1 et seq., unless such establishment also maintains a Class V license with the Village of Bloomingdale.
      2.   Class V, Video Gaming: A class V video gaming supplemental license permits the retail sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises where sold and not for resale in any form, plus the operation of video gaming terminals (VGT) subject to the following conditions:
         (1)   Applications for a supplemental class V video gaming supplemental license shall only be accepted from establishments "in good standing" with the village with a class D-2 full liquor service, class H hotel, or class R resort liquor license.
         (2)   A class V video gaming license shall only be issued to establishments where both the service of alcoholic liquor and video gaming is ancillary and incidental, and when the establishment has been authorized to operate video gaming terminals (VGT) by a license issued by the state of Illinois gaming board pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Gaming Act, 230 Illinois Compiled Statutes 40/1 et seq.
         (3)   A license fee of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per video gaming terminal (VGT) shall be charged to all Class V supplemental licenses in addition to any and all applicable Class D-2 full liquor service, Class H hotel, or Class R resort license fees.
         (4)   The initial application fee, as outlined in section 4-2-6-1 of this chapter, shall be waived for a Class V license application.
         (5) Location, screening and supervision requirements set forth in subsection 4-2-18D of this chapter.
      3.   Class TS, Tasting: A class TS tasting supplemental license permits on premise wine and beer tasting during the normal business hours of the primary liquor license, but only in connection with the bona fide sale of wine or beer in the original package for consumption not on the premises. Wine and beer tastings shall be restricted to amounts of not more than one and one-half ounce (1.5oz.) of wine and two ounces (2 oz.) of beer in conjunction with the anticipated sale of wine and beer to individuals twenty-one (21) years of age or older.
         a.   Class TS-1: A Class TS-1 license shall permit tastings to be provided without compensation and each individual customer shall be served no more than three (3) tastings during any one calendar day. The annual fee for such license shall be fifty dollars ($50.00).
         b.   Class TS-2: A Class TS-2 license shall permit tastings to be provided with compensation in accordance with a dedicated tasting menu and/or business model to be submitted and approved by the Local Liquor Commissioner. The annual fee for such license shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00).
      4.   Class TI, Telephone And Internet Sales: Telephone and internet sales of alcoholic liquor in sealed packages for consumption off the premises shall be permitted only after obtaining a driver's license number or verifying that such license number is currently on file establishing that the person placing the order is twenty-one (21) years of age or older. The licensee shall have full responsibility for securing proof of age as with any other type of transaction involving the sale of alcoholic liquor. Deliveries of alcoholic liquor to a customer vehicle parked in the designated curbside pickup locations in the parking area of the licensee shall only be performed by BASETT Trained employees of the licensee who are twenty-one (21) years of age or older. Deliveries of alcoholic liquor to a business or residence, is limited to the use of the delivery service, such as Instacart, and United Parcel Service or similar entity, and all packages must have a label requiring a signature, upon delivery, of a person twenty-one (21) years of age or older, and deliveries may only be accepted by persons twenty-one (21) years of age or older. A written record shall be made at the time of delivery to a business or residence showing that delivery was made to a person twenty-one (21) years of age or older. Said records shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years for village auditing purposes. Direct delivery to a business or residence utilizing the employees or other agents of the licensee shall be prohibited, except when delivery is to another employee of the licensee. The additional annual fee for this additional service shall be seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00). (Ord. 2009-35, 9-29-2009; amd. 2012 Code; Ord. 2012-10, 2-13-2012; Ord. 2013-10, 2-11-2013; Ord. 2014-04, 1-27-2014; Ord. 2014-14, 3-24-2014; Ord. 2015-51, 12-7-2015; Ord. 2017-11, 3-27-2017; Ord. 2018-15, 4-23-2018; Ord. 2019-31, 10-28-2019; Ord. 2019-33, 11-11-2019; Ord. 2020-27, 11-9-2020; Ord. 2020-30, 11-9-2020; Ord. 2021-05, 1-25-2021; Ord. 2022-03, 2-14-2022; Ord. 2022-24, 5-9-2022; Ord. 2022-42, 10-24-2022; Ord. 2023-28, 6-26-2023; Ord. 2023-33, 7-24-2023; Ord. 2023-41, 11-13-2023)