General Provisions
90.01 Killing and injuring
90.02 Exotic pets and domesticated farm animals
90.03 Female chickens
Dogs and Cats
90.15 Definitions
90.16 License
90.17 License tags
90.18 Wrongful licensing
90.19 Removal of tags
90.20 Rabies threat; proclamation; inspection
90.21 Uncollared animals
90.22 Running at large
90.23 Capture impossible
90.24 Vicious animals
90.25 Interference with municipal personnel
90.26 Cruelty to animals
90.27 Killing and poisoning
90.28 Barking and offensive animals
90.29 Liability of owner
90.30 Removal of feces from public and private properties
90.31 Impounding
90.99 Penalty
Health and Sanitation; Nuisance, see Ch. 91
Statutory reference:
License required, see Neb. RS 17-526, 54-603, 71-4412
Owner liability, see Neb. RS 54-601, 54-602