For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPLICANT. An owner or developer of a site who executes the stormwater permit application pursuant to this chapter.
   CONNECTION. Any ditch, pipe, or other device for the diversion or transmission of storm drainage, which will in any way affect the operation or maintenance of the drainage ways.
   CONVEYANCE. Any feature of the landscape or earth, human-made or natural that carries water in a concentrated flow.
   DETAIN. To store and slowly release stormwater runoff following precipitation by means of a surface depression or tank and an outlet structure.
   DEVELOPMENT. Any land-disturbing activity which adds to or changes the amount of impervious or partially pervious cover on a land area or which otherwise decreases the infiltration of precipitation into the soil, other than a rebuilding activity that does not qualify as redevelopment.
   DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. Shall include swales, channels, and storm sewers, curb inlets, yard inlets, culverts, and other structures designed or used to convey stormwater.
   IMPERVIOUS SURFACE. Any surface that, in whole or in part, restricts, or prevents the natural absorption of water into the ground. Such surfaces may include, but are not limited to, gravel, concrete, asphalt, or other paving material, and all areas covered by the footprint of buildings or structures.
   LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY. Any use of, or operations on, the land by any person in residential, industrial, educational, institutional, or commercial development, including road construction and maintenance, that results in a change in the natural cover or topography.
   ONE-YEAR, 24-HOUR STORM. The surface runoff resulting from a 24-hour rainfall of intensity expected to be equaled or exceeded, on average, once in 12 months and with duration of 24-hours.
   RETAIN. To capture and hold stormwater runoff following precipitation by means of surface depression allowing the water to infiltrate into the soil, thus reducing the hydrologic and pollution impacts downstream.
   STORMWATER. Any surface flow, runoff, and drainage consisting entirely of water from rainfall events.
   STREAM. A watercourse that collects surface runoff.
   VELOCITY. The average velocity of flow through the cross section of the main channel at the peak flow of the storm of interest.
(2013 Code, § 20-4)