A permit issued under this article may be revoked, suspended, or sanctions imposed by the transportation official for any of the following reasons:
A. A material false statement contained in the application;
B. Failure to comply with federal, state or local laws and regulations;
C. Failure to comply with any conditions imposed by the city on the issuance of the permit;
D. Failure of permittee to comply with provisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations as may be applicable;
E. Conduct of the business in a fraudulent or disorderly manner, or in a manner which endangers the public health, welfare, or safety. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
Prior to suspension or revocation of a public transportation vehicle permit, or the imposition of sanctions, a hearing shall be held thereon by the transportation official. The permittee shall be notified in writing of the grounds for suspension or revocation of the permit or imposition of sanctions at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled hearing. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
Where the conduct of the permittee or the mechanical condition of the vehicle creates an imminent peril to the public health, welfare, safety, or where the permittee refuses to allow inspection of the vehicle pursuant to section 7-4-216 of this chapter, the permit may be summarily suspended by the transportation official upon written notice to the permittee stating the basis for the suspension and without a hearing; provided further, any temporary emergency suspension shall not exceed fifteen (15) days pending a hearing under section 7-4-207 of this chapter. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
The decision of the transportation official shall be rendered within five (5) days of the hearing. The decision shall be in writing, and shall set forth the findings and reasons for the decision, and the licensee shall be notified in writing in accordance with title 1, chapter 5, article 1 of this code. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
A. Public transportation vehicle permits issued to one vehicle may be transferred to a replacement vehicle, provided that the transferee vehicle meets the requirements of this chapter, and the applicant complies with regulations issued pursuant to section 7-4-217 of this chapter, and pays the transfer fee as designated by council resolution.
B. A public transportation vehicle permit issued to one person for a vehicle may be transferred to another person, provided that the transferee applicant files the transfer application form designated by the city, meets the criteria of section 7-4-203 of this chapter, complies with any regulations issued pursuant to section 7-4-217 of this chapter, and pays the transfer fee as designated by council resolution. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
Any final decision of the transportation official denying a permit or imposing sanctions under this article may be appealed to the traffic and parking commission. Any appeal shall be filed with the transportation official within fourteen (14) days of the decision by the transportation official. The traffic and parking commission shall hold a hearing on the appeal, and the appellant shall be given at least ten (10) days' notice of such hearing. The hearing shall be held under the rules of procedure adopted by the traffic and parking commission. The traffic and parking commission shall have the authority to sustain, modify, or overrule the decision of the transportation official. The decision shall be in writing, shall set forth the reasons for the decision and the appellant shall be notified in writing in accordance with title 1, chapter 5, article 1 of this code. Any decision rendered by the traffic and parking commission under this section shall be final and shall not be appealable to city council. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)
In addition to other regulatory provisions of this code, the following restrictions and prohibitions shall be applicable to public transportation vehicles:
A. The public transportation operator's permit shall be conspicuously displayed inside each vehicle at all times such vehicle is operated in the city. The holder in which the permit is displayed shall contain a statement which is visible to passengers upon removal of the permit, and which states the public transportation operator's permit is required by law to be displayed at all times the vehicle is in operation.
B. The rates charged for taxicab service shall be conspicuously displayed in both the front and rear seating compartments of each vehicle, in clearly legible print and on a placard of a minimum size of four inches by six inches (4" x 6"); and such placard shall also state the name, business address, and telephone number of the holder of the taxicab franchise.
C. The driver shall, upon receipt of full payment of the fare, issue a written receipt to any passenger requesting a receipt.
D. No owner, driver, or agent shall charge, collect, demand, receive, or arrange for any compensation for service in excess of the rates established by the city council.
E. No owner, operator, or agent shall misrepresent by word, sign, hatband, insignia, or badge, or by any other means or device, the true identity of the vehicle in soliciting patronage for such vehicle.
F. The operator of the vehicle shall not cruise streets for the purpose of soliciting passengers, shall not leave the vehicle for the purpose of soliciting passengers, and shall not solicit passengers in a tone of voice louder than ordinarily used in conversation.
G. The operator of the vehicle shall be properly groomed and neatly dressed.
H. Each public transportation vehicle shall have the current public transportation vehicle permit issued by the city affixed on the vehicle as required by the transportation official.
I. The vehicle, and all equipment therein, shall comply with all applicable requirements of the state Vehicle Code, the federal motor vehicle safety standards, safety orders of the state division of industrial safety, the Americans with disabilities act, and any vehicle standards promulgated by the city.
J. Any person violating this section shall be subject to an administrative citation as provided by title 1, chapter 3, article 3 of this code with such penalties as specified in a resolution adopted by the city council or such other penalties as determined by the city prosecutor. (Ord. 15-O-2671, eff. 2-6-2015)