(A) For all employees and officers of the town, a documented record shall be maintained in a personnel file of the authorized rate of pay or salary for each employee or officer.
(B) For each pay period, a documented record of the time worked and leave taken shall be prepared, in the form of time sheets, cards or logs, for each employee and officer to be paid. For employees exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 201 et seq., the record may exclude time worked. Such record of time worked and leave taken shall be verified as to its accuracy in writing by the employee or officer, supervisor or department head if applicable, and the Town Clerk-Treasurer or designee.
(C) Upon verification of the work record, a payroll statement or register, including the amount of gross pay, authorized deductions and net pay, shall be prepared and submitted to the town’s Mayor for review and written approval.
(D) Upon approval of the payroll statement or register, the net payroll checks shall be prepared along with checks for payment of related payroll taxes and other payroll benefits, required by law or contract.
(E) The checks shall be presented to the Town Clerk-Treasurer along with the approved payroll statement or register. The Clerk-Treasurer shall compare the checks to the payroll statement or register and verify their accuracy. Upon verification, the Clerk-Treasurer and the Mayor shall sign the checks and prepare them for distribution. In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare or cause to be prepared a check register.
(F) No payroll related encumbrances are required to be recorded in the budgetary accounting records as long as the payroll costs are recorded as expenditures at the time they become due and payable. However, no payroll costs may be incurred or paid if they exceed the available appropriation for the accounts to be charged.
(G) The Town Treasurer shall record or cause to be recorded in the appropriate journals and ledgers the payroll costs incurred and/or paid for the pay period.
(H) A copy of the payroll statement, register or payroll check register may be provided to the governing body for informational purposes; however, governing body approval is not required prior to the payment of payroll related costs if incurred and paid in accordance with the provisions above.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)
(A) The town shall strictly adhere to the provisions of state statutes regarding competitive bidding as set forth in the Public Competitive Bidding Act, 61 O.S. §§ 101 et seq.
(B) For those town purchases of goods (whether one or more) which exceed $10,000, and are not subject to the state’s Public Competitive Bidding Act, 61 O.S. §§ 101 et seq., the town shall obtain three price quotations for goods, either in the form of signed quotations or published prices. The town shall endeavor to have the three potential vendors quote substantially the same goods. The town shall select the best quotation from those submitted prior to entering into a contract with the selected vendor.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)
(A) The Mayor and Town Clerk-Treasurer are designated as purchasing officers empowered to purchase or contract against budget appropriation accounts of the town.
(B) For all purchases of goods, services or capital (all purchases or disbursements other than payroll and debt service related) over $3,000, requisition forms, purchase orders or contracts shall be prepared and approved, in writing, by a designated purchasing officer prior to the time the purchase commitment is made.
(C) For all purchases or contracts for goods, services or capital over $3,000, governing body approval shall be obtained prior to the time the commitment is made, and such approval shall be recorded in the minutes of the governing body.
(D) (1) For all purchases of goods, services or capital over $3,000, the approved requisition, purchase order or contract shall be forwarded to an officer or employee charged with keeping the appropriation and expenditure records (encumbering clerk) who shall determine that there exists available unencumbered appropriation in the accounts to be charged. Upon such determination, the encumbering clerk shall attest to that fact in writing.
(2) If appropriation is not available for the proposed purchase or commitment, the purchase or commitment shall not proceed until budget amendments are authorized to provide sufficient appropriation.
(3) Upon approval of the purchasing officer and encumbering clerk, an encumbrance shall be recorded in the appropriation and expenditure records in the amount or estimated amount of the commitment.
(4) These encumbering requirements shall not apply to the following type of purchases or commitments:
(a) Payroll and personal services;
(b) Utility and telephone services (governed by the state’s Corporation Commission);
(c) Insurance (governed by contract); and
(d) Debt service.
(E) (1) After satisfactory delivery of the merchandise or completion of contract provisions, an invoice or claim form shall be obtained adequately documenting request for payment. The officer or employee receiving satisfactory delivery of merchandise or contract service shall acknowledge such fact by signing the invoice, claim form, delivery ticket or receiving advice.
(2) The invoice or claims form, along with the written acknowledgment of receipt, shall be forwarded to the officer or employee responsible for processing accounts payable who shall review the invoice for accuracy and propriety, including comparison to the authorized requisition, purchase order or contract, if applicable.
(3) Upon completion of the accounts payable officer review, the invoices along with the related supporting documents shall be attached to a copy of the purchase order and shall be submitted to the governing body for approval during the next regular or special meeting.
(F) For purchases of goods (whether one or more) costing $3,000 or less, the Purchasing Officer shall complete the steps outlined above. However, governing board approval shall not be required before such purchase is made and town moneys are disbursed in payment for such goods. Any purchase made pursuant to this division (F) shall be reported to the Town Trustees, in writing, at the next regularly-scheduled meeting, and the requisition forms, purchase orders and invoices shall be made available at such meeting for inspection. In no event shall the aggregate of all purchases made under this division (F) which were not previously approved by the governing board exceed $5,000 in any one calendar month.
(G) (1) Upon approval of the invoices or claims for payment, checks or other payment documents as authorized by state law (11 O.S. § 17-102) shall be prepared and submitted to the Town Clerk- Treasurer, along with a copy of the approved invoice or claims listing.
(2) The Clerk-Treasurer shall compare the checks or other payment documents to the invoice or claims listing and verify their accuracy. Upon verification, the Clerk-Treasurer and the Mayor shall sign the checks or other documents and prepare them for distribution. In addition, the Clerk-Treasurer shall prepare or cause to be prepared a check register.
(H) The town’s Clerk-Treasurer shall record or cause to be recorded in the appropriate journals and ledgers the purchases and cash disbursements incurred and paid.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)
(A) All long-term indebtedness, in the form of bonds, notes or lease purchase obligations, shall only be incurred in the manner provided by law.
(B) Once lawfully incurred, payments of principal and interest on the bonds or notes and payments on the lease purchase obligations shall be paid in accordance with the terms as specified in the bond indenture, note agreement or lease purchase contract by the town’s Clerk-Treasurer without further approval of the governing body.
(C) The town’s Clerk-Treasurer shall record or cause to be recorded in the appropriate journals and ledgers the debt service payments and maintain current records of the remaining amount of indebtedness.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)
(A) All transfers of resources between funds (both operating and residual equity transfers) shall only be made in accordance with governing body appropriations. Such appropriations shall be contained in the original or amended budget of the municipality.
(B) Once lawfully appropriated, interfund transfer payments may be made by the town’s Clerk- Treasurer without further governing body approval. Such transfers, however, may not exceed the amount lawfully appropriated.
(C) The manner of payment shall be consistent with the manner used for the payment of purchases of goods, services and capital as described above.
(D) The town’s Clerk-Treasurer shall record or cause to be recorded in the appropriate journals and ledgers these interfund transfers.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)