   (A)   All transfers of resources between funds (both operating and residual equity transfers) shall only be made in accordance with governing body appropriations. Such appropriations shall be contained in the original or amended budget of the municipality.
   (B)   Once lawfully appropriated, interfund transfer payments may be made by the town’s Clerk- Treasurer without further governing body approval. Such transfers, however, may not exceed the amount lawfully appropriated.
   (C)   The manner of payment shall be consistent with the manner used for the payment of purchases of goods, services and capital as described above.
   (D)   The town’s Clerk-Treasurer shall record or cause to be recorded in the appropriate journals and ledgers these interfund transfers.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)
§ 35.40 PETTY CASH.
   (A)   As provided for in 11 O.S. § 17-102(D), the municipality may have petty cash amounts for use in making certain small payments for costs incurred in operating the municipality.
   (B)   Each petty cash account established shall require governing body approval, including the amount of the petty cash imprest balance. However, in no case, should the imprest balance exceed $150. The governing board hereby approves a petty cash account in the sum of $150. In no event shall purchases made from petty cash exceed $150 in aggregate, in any one calendar month. The petty cash amount shall not be reimbursed to the $150 amount until the first business day of each calendar month.
   (C)   The petty cash accounts shall be reimbursed by utilizing properly itemized invoices or petty cash voucher slips and by then processing the reimbursement in the manner used for payment of purchases of goods, services and capital as described in § 35.38 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2012-4, passed 4-9-2012)