Sales Tax
   36.01   Short title
   36.02   Definitions
   36.03   Taxes imposed; rates; effective dates; purposes
   36.04   Subsisting state permits
   36.05   Classification of taxpayers
   36.06   Sales subject to tax; exemptions
   36.07   Tax due date
   36.08   Payment of tax; brackets
   36.09   Collection by vendors
   36.10   Returns, remittances and discounts
   36.11   Delinquencies; interest and penalties
   36.12   Failure to file; fraudulent returns
   36.13   Enforcement of payment
   36.14   Refund of erroneous payments
   36.15   Records confidential
   36.16   Amendments
   36.17   Provisions cumulative
Use Tax
   36.30   Short title
   36.31   Tax imposed
   36.32   Purpose of revenues
   36.33   Effective date of tax
   36.34   No repeal of tax
   36.35   Subsisting state permits
   36.36   Payment of tax
   36.37   Tax is additional; administrative procedures
   36.38   Amendments to provisions
   36.39   Provisions cumulative
Utilities Tax
   36.50   Tax levied; additional tax
   36.51   Application of tax; exemptions
   36.52   Quarterly payments; delinquencies; disposition
   36.53   Tax a lien
   36.54   Failure to pay tax
   36.99   Penalty