   (A)   Concrete curb and gutter shall be provided along the outside edge of all street pavements in subdivisions where the density of development is three lots per gross acre or greater.
   (B)   Curbs and gutters, if necessary, shall be installed by the subdivider in compliance with the approved plans, profiles and cross-sections. They shall be constructed of concrete, and they shall be at least 18 inches wide and not less than six inches thick where the curb abuts the street pavement.
   (C)   Curbs and gutters shall be constructed in conjunction with the street pavements on all streets where parking is to be permitted.
   (D)   Curb construction for concrete pavements shall be integral. Roll-type curbs shall be permitted where the distance between the back of the curb and the nearest sidewalk is at least three feet on residential and feeder streets.
   (E)   All plans for the installation of the curb and gutter shall conform to all applicable sections of this chapter and shall be approved by the County Highway Supervisor or Highway Engineer, or the Plan Commission in conjunction with the appropriate city appointed officials prior to the installation.
(Ord. 466, § 4-8-3, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.078 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Sidewalks on each side of a street shall be provided within a subdivision when the major subdivision averages two lots or more per gross acre.
Sidewalks on both sides of the street shall be provided within a major subdivision when the subdivision averages less than two lots per gross acre, provided, however, the Plan Commission may waive the above requirements in those subdivisions with less than two lots per gross acre and only upon showing by the developer that the sidewalks will serve no specific purpose of future need. Sidewalks shall be of portland cement concrete with a minimum thickness of four inches on four feet, and the edge of walks adjacent to the property line of the street shall be placed at least one foot from the property line within the street right-of-way.
   (B)   Crosswalks within the blocks shall be improved with a four-foot walk of either concrete four inches thick or four-inch compacted aggregate base. The base should be extended beyond sidewalk on either side to a distance equal to depth of base.
   (C)   If for any reason sidewalks are not provided, the street grade shall be completed so that the minimum amount of additional grading would be necessary for any future provisions for sidewalks.
(Ord. 466, § 4-8-4, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 151.999
   The developer shall install or cause to be installed a system for the disposal of sanitary sewage in the subdivision by one of the following means:
   (A)   Public system. A complete sanitary sewer system which shall convey the sewage into an established municipal or other public agency sanitary sewage disposal and treatment system, at a point and in a manner approved in writing by the municipal or other public agency involved. The plans for the complete installation of the sewage system showing all locations, material, size, profiles and any connections thereto shall be prepared by a registered engineer and/or registered land surveyor at the expense of the subdivider or developer, and shall be approved by and meet the requirements of the affected municipal or other public agency and the County Board of Health and Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
   (B)   Private or quasi-public system.
      (1)   A complete sanitary sewage system to convey the sewage to a treatment plant provided by the developers or others in accordance with the requirements of the County Board of Health or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
      (2)   A complete sanitary sewer system which shall connect into the sanitary sewage disposal system of a sewage disposal company which shall hold, at the time of plat submission, a certificate of territorial authority issued by the Public Service Commission of Indiana authorizing sewage disposal service for the area in which the subdivision is located. The plans for the complete installation of the sewer system, both within the subdivision and any off-site installations serving the subdivision, showing all locations, size, material, profiles, and capacities, shall be submitted to and approved by the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
      (3)   If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that neither of the above forms of sewage disposal and treatment is possible or economically feasible, then the developer shall be permitted to use a private sanitary sewage disposal system on each individual lot when installed in accordance with the design standards and approval of the County Board of Health. The information shown shall be certified to by a Professional Civil Engineer registered in Indiana.
   (C)   The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete set of plans and profiles as approved by the various authorities.
(Ord. 466, § 4-8-5, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 151.999
§ 151.080 WATER SUPPLY.
   (A)   The developer shall install or cause to be installed a water system for the subdivision by one of the following methods:
      (1)   Public system. A complete water main system which shall be connected to a public or other community water supply which is approved by the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The plans for the complete installation showing size, location, depth, material and all connections thereto, including fire hydrants, shall meet the requirements and receive the approval of the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
      (2)   Private system. A community water supply system including well, pump, and all appurtenances thereto, necessary to supply a minimum pressure of 40 pounds per square inch. The plans showing location, depth, size, and material of mains, valves, and connections thereto shall meet the requirements of and be approved by the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
      (3)   Water main system. A complete water main system which shall connect into the water main system of a utility company which shall be authorized to operate within the area in which the subdivision is located and which shall be subject to the control of the Public Service Commission of Indiana. The plans for the complete installation of the water main system within the subdivision showing size, location, depth, material, and all connections thereto, including fire hydrants, shall be approved by and meet the requirements for the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
      (4)   Individual supply. If the developer submits proper evidence to the County Health Department that none of the above forms of water supply is possible or economically feasible, then the Board shall permit an individual water supply on each lot in the subdivision, subject to compliance with all requirements and approval of the County Board of Health and/or the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
   (b)   The subdivider shall furnish the Commission a complete set of plans and profiles approved by the various authorities.
(Ord. 466, § 4-8-6, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 151.999
   Where the subdivision is to contain sewers, sewage treatment facilities, water supply system, park areas, or other physical facilities which will not be maintained by existing public agencies, provision shall be made by trust agreement, which is a part of the deed restrictions and which is acceptable to the proper public agencies, for jurisdiction over the continuous maintenance, supervision, operations, and reconstruction of the facilities by the lot owners in the subdivision. Other restrictions not inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this chapter or ordinances of the city may also be included.
(Ord. 466, § 4-8-7, passed 5-11-98) Penalty, see § 151.999