(A)   Erosion protection and sediment control for construction projects requires continual planning, observation and action for all components of the overall plan. The process will be documented through requirements established by the Kentucky Division of Water, and implemented in their KYR10 permit While stormwater management plans typically contain permanent treatment practices (PTPs) instead of temporary practices, the initial plan submittal must address permanent stormwater management including water quality. A general description of each type of plan follows.
   (B)   Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a living document that is first submitted for approval to the city and to the KDOW. It will be updated, as necessary, as development continues. It includes site map(s), an identification of construction/contractor activities that could cause pollutant discharges into stormwater and a description of measures or practices to control these pollutants. The SWPPP is required by KYR10. It includes the EPSC Plan and Stormwater Management Plan. Once the development plan has been approved, a copy of the SWPPP must be maintained onsite and should include copies of all permits issued for the site. Inspection documentation and plan revisions must also be documented in the SWPPP once site development has begun.
   (C)   Construction EPSC Plan. Once the erosion prevention and sediment control (EPSC) plan has been approved, it becomes a component of the SWPPP. The EPSC Plan is a set of plans prepared by or under the direction of a licensed professional engineer detailing the specific measures and sequencing to be used to control sediment and erosion on a development site during and after construction. It includes supporting calculations, a construction schedule, and schematics and cross-sections for clarification, as well as any other material in support of the EPSC Plan. As the project progresses, revisions and modifications should be tracked in the SWPPP, with major modifications requiring prior approval by the city before implementation.
   (D)   Post-construction Stormwater Quality Management Plan. The post-construction stormwater quality management plan (P-SWQMP) contains permanent water quality treatment devices, such as detention structures, outlet protection, stormwater conveyance devices, and bioretention areas. Once approved, the P-SWQMP becomes a component of the SWPPP. Some of these components will not be installed during initial construction activities. However, knowing the proposed locations during early construction activities can be beneficial so areas can be appropriately staged. For example, permanent detention structures can first function as sediment basins. Once permanent controls have been installed, they should be protected from sediment laden runoff, as many permanent water quality treatment devices rely on infiltration for treatment and can easily be overwhelmed.
   (E)   Sites where land disturbance activities are proposed will require a complete Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) approved by the Issuing Authority of the City of Berea.
      (1)   The SWPP plan shall be prepared by a licensed engineer. The engineer shall be required to visit the site, in person, to evaluate the existing conditions before preparation of the SWPPP. The engineer shall notify the City of Berea at least five (5) days prior to the visit. The city may choose to visit the site with the engineer. The engineer shall prepare the report, including all of the maps and sketches required.
      (2)   The report shall be bound, on 8-1/2" x 11" paper. All plan drawings shall be folded and inserted (the size and scale of the plans may vary depending on the nature of the project; some critical areas might require an enlargement, or "blow-up sheet"). The report may be placed in a folder, binder or 3-ring binder, depending on the scope and size of the report. If the report is in a folder or binder, the outside of the folder/binder shall include as a minimum: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, the name and address of the project, any additional documentation to identify the project per City of Berea requirements, the owner of the project, the consultant's name and contact information and date of submission.
      (3)   The SWPPP and EPSC plans shall be readily available at the construction site from the date of project initiation (NOI) to the date of Notice of Termination (NOT).
      (4)   Format and contents of the SWPPP will follow the outline as referenced in the Stormwater Manual.
(Ord. No. 24-14, § 1, 12-16-14; Am. Ord. No. 06-20, § 1, 3-3-20)