(A)   The City of Berea shall review all EPSC plans for compliance with the following general standards and review criteria.
   (B)   A design removal efficiency goal of eighty percent (80%) for total suspended solids from land disturbing activities shall be applied to the design, review, and approval of EPSC plans. The following structural and non-structural standards are to be utilized to achieve this goal.
   (C)   Compliance with the Stormwater Manual, as it may be revised from time to time, for the City of Berea.
   (D)   Non-structural site management practices to prevent erosion and minimize sediment discharge shall be considered. Such practices include the following standards:
      (1)   Minimize site disturbance to preserve and maintain existing vegetative cover;
      (2)   Limit the number of temporary access points to the site for land disturbing activities;
      (3)   Phase and sequence construction activities;
      (4)   Locate temporary and permanent soil disposal areas, haul roads and construction staging areas to minimize erosion, sediment transport and disturbance to existing vegetation.
   (E)   Where attainment of this design removal efficiency goal through the use of structural and nonstructural measures is not practicable, the permittee shall submit written justification to the City of Berea for review and approval.
(Ord. No. 24-14, § 1, 12-16-14)