Whenever any part of the waste in any privy vault or cesspool extends to a point less than two feet below the surface of the ground adjacent thereto, or whenever use of any such vault or cesspool is abandoned or such use or maintenance is prohibited by ordinance or health order, the owner, lessor, occupant or person in charge of such premises shall cause such vault or cesspool to be emptied of its contents, thoroughly cleaned, disinfected and, if abandoned, filled with clean earth or mineral matter to the level of the adjacent ground.
(Ord. 1983-35. Passed 4-11-84.)
No person shall put the carcass of a dead animal, offal, the contents of a privy vault or other putrid substance upon or into a lake, river, creek, pond, road, street, alley, lot, field, meadow, public ground, market place or common, or, being the owner or occupant of such place, knowingly permit such thing to remain therein to the annoyance of any person, or neglect to remove or abate the nuisance occasioned thereby within twenty-four hours after knowledge of the existence thereof, or after notice thereof in writing from the Mayor.
(Ord. 1983-35. Passed 4-11-84.)
No person shall drain, cause to be drained or allow to drain from any property occupied by him or her, any kitchen slops or other greasy or impure matter in the open gutters or waterways in the Village, unless such matter has been drained into a vault and filtered through a lessor vault filled with sand and fine gravel, built under the inspection of the County Board of Health.
(Ord. 1983-35. Passed 4-11-84.)
(a) The enclosure of horses, cows, pigs and similar domestic animals within close proximity to water sources and structures used for human habitation constitutes a public nuisance and a menace to the public health, safety and general welfare in that such enclosures tend to disseminate contaminated wastes and encourage the spread of disease throughout the community.
(b) It is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance and shall be unlawful for any person to maintain, or permit to be maintained, on property of which he or she is the owner, any enclosure in which horses, cows, pigs and similar domestic animals are kept, which enclosure is within 100 feet of any structure used for human habitation or any well, cistern or other source of water used for human drinking or cooking.
(c) For the purpose of this section, "domestic animals" shall include, in addition to those animals referred to, all animals ordinarily denoted by such term, except ordinary house pets when kept as house pets.
(Ord. 1983-35. Passed 4-11-84.)
(a) No dwelling shall be constructed or occupied unless reasonable provision is made for a dependable pure water supply from a drilled well, cistern, spring or public water supply in accordance with the regulations of the County Board of Health.
(b) In the absence of a sanitary sewer, sewage shall be disposed of in a manner to prevent nuisance and contamination of water supply and shall discharge through a water-tight sewer into a septic tank constructed water-tight in accordance with the regulations of the County Board of Health, and such provision shall be made prior to occupancy of the premises.
(Ord. 1983-35. Passed 4-11-84.)