Outdoor Swimming Pools
1276.01   Outdoor swimming pool defined.
1276.02   Fence required.
1276.03   Compliance required.
1276.04   Distance between pool and property lines.
1276.05   Conformity to natural grade.
1276.06   Drainage.
1276.07   Illumination.
1276.08   Pool interior surfaces and filtration.
1276.09   Permit required; fee.
1276.10   Appeal on refusal to issue permit.
   Division of municipal corporations into zones - see Ohio R.C. 713.06
   Restriction in location of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.07
   Restrictions on height of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.08
   Restrictions on bulk and location of buildings and structures, percentage of lot occupancy and set-back building lines - see Ohio R.C. 713.09
   Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
   Notice and hearing on zoning regulations - see Ohio R.C. 713.12
   Violations may be enjoined - see Ohio R.C. 713.13