1271.01 Purpose and scope.
1271.02 Applicability, compliance and violations.
1271.03 Conflicts with other regulations and severability.
1271.04 Definitions.
1271.05 Establishment of designated watercourses and riparian setbacks.
1271.06 Applications and site plans.
1271.07 Uses permitted in riparian setbacks.
1271.08 Uses prohibited in riparian setbacks.
1271.09 Non-conforming structures or uses in riparian setbacks.
1271.10 Variances and the procedures for variances and appeals.
1271.11 Inspection of riparian setbacks.
1271.12 Fees.
1271.99 Penalty.
(a) The specific purpose and intent of this regulation is to regulate uses and developments of land within designated riparian setbacks that are expected to:
(1) Reduce flood impacts on adjacent properties and structures thereon.
(2) Assist in stabilizing the banks of watercourses within the Village of Bentleyville to reduce woody debris from fallen or damaged trees, streambank erosion, and the downstream transport of sediments eroded from watercourse banks.
(3) Reduce pollutants in watercourses during periods of high flows by filtering, settling, and transforming pollutants in runoff before they enter watercourses.
(4) Benefit the Village of Bentleyville by minimizing encroachment on watercourse channels and the need for engineering solutions such as gabion baskets and rip rap to protect structures, reduce property damage and threats to the safety of Bentleyville residents.
(b) The following regulation has been enacted to provide reasonable controls governing structures and uses within a riparian setback along designated watercourses in the Village of Bentleyville .
(Ord. 2007-12. Passed 8-15-07.)