(A) Sale or repair of automobiles, used automobiles or truck parts, trucks, trailers, campers, recreational vehicles, motor homes, motorcycles, boats, farm equipment, construction machinery and industrial machines.
(B) Gasoline service stations.
(C) Hotels/motels.
(D) Trees, shrubs, plants, lawn and garden equipment and supplies.
(E) Warehouses, moving and storage business or truck terminal.
(F) Restaurants, taverns, or nightclubs.
(G) Fraternal, social, service or veterans organizations.
(H) Junkyards, garbage or rubbish haulers or recycling operations.
(I) Sewer or septic tank cleaning or repairing.
(J) Automobile wrecking or salvage yards.
(K) Indoor/outdoor recreational vehicles or motorcycle racing, etc.
(L) Funeral homes.
(M) Business or trade schools.
(N) Processing, manufacturing or assembly operations except as are incidental to the sale of goods.
(O) Convenience food stores.
(P) Nursing homes, rest homes, convalescent homes/retirement centers.
(Q) Drive thru/carry out.
(R) House trailers and manufactured houses.
(S) Junk or unlicensed motor vehicles stored outside any building or structure.
(Ord. 87-27, § 303, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 20-99, passed 11-1-1999)