Within the B-1 Business District the following uses and no other uses shall be permitted:
Accounting offices | Financial planning consultants |
Advertising agencies | Governmental offices |
Answering services | Insurance offices |
Antique shops | Medical offices |
Architects offices | Non-profit corporate offices |
Attorney offices | Novelty shops |
Barber shops | Pressing, alteration & garment |
Beauty shops | Private investigation |
Cable TV offices | Private security |
Chiropractic offices | Psychologist |
Credit agencies | Real estate sales office |
Credit union offices | Stockbrokers |
Day care center | Title insurance companies |
Dental offices | Travel agencies |
Employment agencies | Shoe repair/leather goods repair |
Engineering offices | |
(B) Accessory uses shall be allowed for all businesses.
(Ord. 87-27, § 301, passed 7-7-1987)