(A) A licensed master mechanical contractor who wishes to fully retire from the mechanical trade may apply to the building official for a retired master mechanical license. Upon such application and payment of renewal fees ordinarily applicable to a master mechanical license, the building official may grant such person a retired master mechanical license. The holder of a retired master mechanical license shall not engage in any activities for which a master’s license is required under this code. Nothing shall prevent the holder of a retired master mechanical license from acting in the capacity of a journeyman under the requirements of this article.
(B) The bond and insurance requirements of section 27-203 shall not be required as prerequisites for the issuance, maintenance, or renewal of the retired master mechanical license.
(C) The holder of a retired master mechanical license may make application to the building official for a re-activation of his/her status as a master mechanical contractor. The building official may issue such master’s license upon compliance with all the following:
(1) Payment of the required fees applicable to the renewal of the master’s license; and
(2) The filing of a bond and certificate of insurance under the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
In the case of the death of the holder of a valid master license, the building official may issue a temporary master license to the firm or corporation if it employs a licensed Bellevue journeyman mechanical contractor. Such license shall be valid for a period of not more than six months and shall not be extended, nor shall any other temporary license be extended to another member of the firm or corporation during the grace period. Such temporary license shall be void if the company or corporation to which the license is assigned fails to keep in its employ an individual with a valid Bellevue journeyman’s license.
(Ord. 2867, § 1, passed 12-11-1995)
§§ 27-209—27-218 RESERVED.