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   (A)   If an owner or agent has not entered into a separate agreement with the public utility referred to in § 154.24 of this chapter, a temporary permit may be issued to an owner or agent to allow the owner/agent to start or continue utility service to any single or multi-family unit for the purpose of protecting an unoccupied unit from the elements or to allow the owner/agent to show the premises after the previous occupant has moved out. In addition, the owner/agent who is issued a temporary permit may perform cleaning, repairing and maintenance services to the premises. The temporary permit shall require the owner/agent to place all utilities in the owner/agent’s name and assume financial responsibility for all such utilities. The temporary permit shall not authorize any person to occupy the premises.
   (B)   A temporary permit may be revoked as provided in § 154.22 of this chapter and applications for temporary permits may be rejected by the Code Official as set forth in § 154.20 of this chapter.
   (C)   A temporary permit shall expire upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the premises.
   (D)   The Code Official responsible for enforcement of certificates of occupancy may promulgate such rules, regulations and procedures as he or she deems necessary to implement this section.
(1960 Code, § 33-2-11) (Ord. 5704, passed 12-2-1996)
§ 154.40 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The goal of the city’s Crime-Free Housing Program is to increase the quality of life of residents by partnering the city with owners, landlords and managing agents to decrease the incidence of public safety violations and criminal activity in rental properties.
   (B)   This program will collect current and accurate information identifying existing rental properties, owners, landlords and managing agents in the city. This information shall be used by the Director of Health, Housing, and Building Department, Police Department and Fire Department to perform their respective duties.
   (C)   It is the intent of this subchapter and it shall not be construed or enforced in any manner which would affect the tenancy of a tenant whose only involvement in an incident has been as the victim of a crime.
(1960 Code, § 3-3-1) (Ord. 7715, passed 9-16-2013; Ord. 8071-2017, passed 7-17-2017; Ord. 8433-2020, passed 3-2-2020; Ord. 8998-2021, passed 11-1-2021)
   (A)   The Crime-Free Housing Committee is established to evaluate and respond to concerns brought forward by the public, police, residents and tenants.
   (B)   (1)   The Mayor shall appoint the members of the Crime-Free Housing Committee and it shall consist of two owner-occupied homeowners, two landlords, two tenants, two City Council members, one licensed real estate professional and one property manager; no two members shall be from the same company or entity.
      (2)   The Director of Health, Housing, and Building Department and Crime-Free Housing Enforcement Officers shall attend each meeting.
      (3)   The Committee shall meet at a minimum of two times per year at least six months apart or more often as needed to review progress and address concerns brought forth by interested parties.
      (4)   At each meeting, the Committees shall be given the most current crime statistics and an accounting of all funds received and expended pursuant to this subchapter.
(1960 Code, § 3-3-2) (Ord. 7715, passed 9-16-2013; Ord. 8071-2017, passed 7-17-2017; Ord. 8433-2020, passed 3-2-2020; Ord. 8998-2021, passed 11-1-2021)
§ 154.42 SCOPE.
   This subchapter shall apply to every building or portion thereof rented as residential rental units located within the corporate limits of the city, as its corporate limits are now or hereafter altered, without regard to the zoning classification of the property, excepting the following:
   (A)   Nursing homes, as defined in Ch. 162 of this code of ordinances;
   (B)   Hotels and motels, as defined in Ch. 162 of this code of ordinances;
   (C)   Public housing, owned by a governmental agency; and
   (D)   Dormitories and other housing units owned or managed by a public or private educational institution such as a college or school.
(1960 Code, § 3-3-3) (Ord. 7715, passed 9-16-2013; Ord. 8071-2017, passed 7-17-2017)