   The city hereby adopts the 2006 International Property Maintenance Code with the exception of §§ 404.4 and 404.5 which are not adopted and §§ 404.4 and 404.5, which are attached to the ordinance codified herein and marked Exhibit “A”, are adopted instead of §§ 404.4 and 404.5.
(1960 Code, § 33-1-1) (Ord. 6915, passed 9-5-2006)
   (A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person, owner or agent thereof to occupy or use, or to permit the occupancy or use of any single- or multi-family dwelling unit for any purpose including the movement of furniture, equipment or other personal property into said premises until a permit of occupancy has been issued by the Code Official. The certificate so issued shall state the occupancy complies with all of the provisions of this Code as far as can be determined by a visual inspection of the premises and a review of the record and shall also identify the individuals authorized to reside in said dwelling unit.
      (2)   A permit of occupancy shall not be required for visitors to a dwelling unit. It shall be the burden of the owner and tenant to establish that an individual is a visitor and not residing in said dwelling unit.
      (3)   The name, date of birth and relationship of all persons residing in the dwelling shall be listed on the occupancy permit. The owner or managing agency of the dwelling unit along with his or her address, phone number and e-mail address shall also be listed on the occupancy permit.
   (B)   (1)   An inspection fee of $65 shall be paid before an inspection of a housing unit shall be conducted by the city. If the housing unit fails inspection after one reinspection, or if any applicant fails to appear for a scheduled appointment for inspection, a reinspection fee of $65 shall be paid before each additional reinspection of a housing unit by the city. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner/agent to make advance payment of any fee and schedule any required inspection with the city. An additional $10 fee will be assessed for each inspection or reinspection conducted outside of normal city business hours.
      (2)   A fee of $55 shall be charged for each request for a certificate of occupancy. The permit shall be obtained by the tenant/occupant and must be secured before the unit can be legally occupied. If an inspection is required the fee must be paid before an occupancy permit can be issued.
(1960 Code, § 33-2-1) (Ord. 6847, passed 3-20-2006; Ord. 7667, passed 2-19-2013; Ord. 8181-2018, passed 3-19-2018; Ord. 9031-2022, passed 2-22-2022) Penalty, see § 154.99
   (A)   The person making application for an occupancy permit for a dwelling unit shall identify the individuals who will occupy the dwelling unit and their relationships. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly make any false statement on an application for an occupancy permit for a dwelling unit as to the names, relationships or number of occupants who will occupy the dwelling unit.
   (B)   After an occupancy permit has been issued, it shall thereafter be unlawful for the owner to change or allow a change of occupancy with or without change of ownership of the dwelling unit without the owner obtaining a new occupancy permit prior to the change of occupancy which lists the new occupants. A CHANGE IN OCCUPANCY shall mean a change in possession of a dwelling unit by way of rental, leasehold, ownership or other manner of tenancy.
(1960 Code, § 33-2-2) (Ord. 7667, passed 2-19-2013) Penalty, see § 154.99
   The Code Official shall examine, or cause to be examined, all applications for permits within a reasonable time after filing. He or she shall cause the premises to be inspected within 15 working days after filing. If premises are not inspected within the 15 working days, then the permit and certificate of compliance shall be automatically issued without an inspection. If the premises are not in compliance with this Code and all laws and ordinances applicable thereto, the Code Official shall provide the applicant with a list of defects that are not in compliance. Said defects shall be listed with as much specificity as possible. The owner or occupant of every dwelling unit and its premises shall give the Code Official free access thereto, at all reasonable times, for the purpose of such inspection. An inspection shall be valid for a period of one year. The dwelling unit does not have to be reinspected during the year, even if the occupancy changes. A reinspection shall be made within 15 working days after a written request for reinspection has been made to the Code Official. If the premises are not reinspected within the 15 working days, from receipt of the written request, then the permit and certificate of compliance shall be automatically issued without a reinspection. If specific defects are found in the original inspection, the Code Official shall not require additional defects to be corrected that were discovered on a reinspection unless the new defects occurred after the original inspection. There shall be a fee of $50 for every reinspection after the first reinspection. No inspection shall be required under this subchapter for a dwelling unit that is less than five years of age.
(1960 Code, § 33-2-3) (Ord. 6426, passed 5-20-2002)
   If all the fees are paid and the Code Official is satisfied that the premises and its occupancy are in compliance with this Code and all laws and ordinances applicable thereto, the Code Official shall issue the occupancy permit as soon as practicable. The only individuals authorized to reside in a dwelling unit shall be the individuals listed on the occupancy permit.
(1960 Code, § 33-2-4) (Ord. 7667, passed 2-19-2013)