(A)   The lieutenant will be responsible for supervising traffic services, such as accident investigation work, enforcement patrol work, parking control work, and any other traffic work as ordered by the chief of police or captain of police.
   (B)   The lieutenant will supervise his subordinates in conforming to the rules, regulations and orders of the department, as well as proper attendance and uniforming. He will also supervise the conformance with plans and procedures ordered by the captain of police, and investigate complaints, as ordered by the captain.
   (C)   The lieutenant will supervise office procedures which will include desk procedure, the making of daily attendance sheets, and current entering of activity report information as ordered by the captain. He will also check reports and citations for clerical correctness, before being forwarded to the clerk, and any errors or omissions found will be brought to the attention of the original reporting officer, and will not be corrected by other personnel.
   (D)   The lieutenant, on his tour of duty, will be responsible for the preparation of reports and the necessary notifications as covered in department rules, regulations and orders. He will also be responsible for conducting roll call and notifying squad operator of vehicles available for use in the various traffic functions.
   (E)   Other responsibilities of the lieutenant will be to ascertain that all department property, vehicles, vehicular equipment, and buildings are properly safeguarded and cared for, as per department rules, regulations and orders. He will oversee surveys and investigations as assigned by the chief or captain of police, the booking of prisoners arrested by area personnel, and any other duties, as assigned by the chief or captain of police.
   (F)   The lieutenant will make daily personnel and equipment assignments, making temporary emergency changes as necessary. He may also make assignments to desk or office duty on his shift, subject to the approval of the chief or captain of police.
   (G)   The lieutenant must submit recommendations to the chief or the captain concerning discipline, transfer, or change of duty.
   (H)   The chain of command for the rank of lieutenant is such that he will report to and take orders from the chief of police and the captain of police, and he has authority over, control of, and supervision of sergeants, patrol officers, and other employees on his shift. (Ord. 95-944, 8-28-1995)