(a) The owner of any dwelling structure, whether individual or multi-family, business, commercial or industrial structure or other buildings or structures or land upon which such buildings or structures are located, shall obtain a certificate of inspection prior to renting, leasing, selling, transferring, or conveying an interest or entering into an agreement to rent, lease, sell, transfer or otherwise convey an interest in such property.
(b) No owner of real estate described in subsection (a) above shall rent, lease, sell, transfer or otherwise convey an interest or enter into an agreement to rent, lease, sell, transfer or otherwise convey an interest in such property without first presenting the prospective lessee, purchaser or grantee with a copy of a certificate of inspection or a copy of a certificate of compliance issued by the Building Official within ninety (90) days prior to the date of execution of the agreement.
(c) In the event the real estate described in subsection (a) above is sold at Sheriff's sale or other court-ordered auction and no certificate of compliance has been issued within ninety (90) days prior to such sale, the purchaser shall apply in writing to the Building Official within thirty (30) days after the date of sale for an inspection of the property. The method of application and inspection shall be as set forth in Section 1378.02.
(d) This Chapter shall not apply to the individual transfer of property through inheritance or gift where no bona fide sale is intended or has occurred nor shall it apply to the occupancy of the property by someone other than the owner wherein no consideration of any kind is being paid by such non-owner occupant. In addition, this Chapter shall not apply to the construction of new residential or commercial construction wherein a certificate of occupancy is required by other provisions of the Building Code.
(Ord. 2018-079. Passed 9-18-18.)