National Fire Prevention Code
National Fire Prevention Code
1501.01 Adoption.
1501.02 Definitions.
1501.03 Conflict of laws.
1501.04 Storage limits.
1501.05 Enforcement.
1501.06 Inspectors.
1501.07 Annual report.
1501.08 Modifications.
1501.09 Appeals.
1501.10 New materials, processes or occupancies which may require permits.
1501.11 Adoption of supplementary standards.
1501.12 Amendments.
1501.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate elevators, stairways and fire escapes - see Ohio R. C. 715.26
Adoption of technical codes - see Ohio R. C. 731.231
Power to regulate against fires - see Ohio R. C. 737.21, 737.37
Investigation of fires - see Ohio R. C. 737.27
Right to examine buildings - see Ohio R. C. 737.34 et seq., 3737.14
Gasoline, oils and paints - see Ohio R. C. Ch. 3741
Automobile service and filling stations - see P. & Z. Ch. 1171