(a)   An Owner shall submit construction drawings in triplicate to the Building Commissioner along with an application for a building permit for a small wind energy system.
   (b)   The Building Commissioner shall issue a permit or deny the application within one (1) month from when the construction drawings and application is received.
   (c)   The Administrator shall issue a building permit for a small wind energy system if the application materials show that the proposed small wind energy system meets the requirements of this ordinance.
   (d)   If the application is approved, the Administrator will return one (2) signed copies of the application and construction drawings with the permit and retain the other copy with the documents for Departmental use.
   (e)   If the application is rejected, the Administrator will notify the applicant in writing, and provide a written statement of the reason why the application was rejected. The applicant may appeal the Administrator's decision. The applicant may re-apply if the deficiencies specified by the Administrator are resolved.
   (f)   The Owner shall conspicuously post the building permit on the premises so as to be visible to the public at all times until construction or installation of the small energy system is complete. (Ord. 8759-10. Passed 11-15-10.)