(a) General.
(1) Solar energy equipment shall be located in the rear portion of a property or on a side or rear-facing roof, or, upon receiving Planning Commission approval, in the least visibly obtrusive location where panels would be functional.
(2) Solar energy equipment must comply with all setback and height requirements for the Zoning district in which the property is located.
(3) Non-functioning solar energy equipment or systems shall be repaired, replaced or completely removed in their entirety within three (3) months of becoming non-functional.
(4) All solar panels shall be equipped with a non-reflective finish/coating.
(b) Ground-mounted solar energy equipment.
(1) On Residentially-Zoned Property:
A. Solar Energy Equipment shall be located only in the rear portion of a property unless approved otherwise by the Planning Commission; For corner parcels, Solar Equipment shall be located no closer to the side street right-of-way than the primary building line of the structure.
B. Solar Panels shall not cover or occupy more than 50% of the available rear-yard area exclusive of all required setbacks;
C. Ground-array Solar systems shall have a minimum setback to side property lines of 3-feet and a setback from rear property lines of 6-feet.
(2) On Business and Industrially-Zoned Properties:
A. Solar Energy Equipment shall be located only in the rear portion of a property or a side portion on a side opposite any side street unless approved otherwise by the Planning Commission; For corner parcels, Solar Equipment shall be located no closer to the side street right-of-way than the primary building line of the structure.
B. All Solar equipment shall be shielded from sight from any street, public way or neighboring parcel by a barrier of a height equal to the height of the solar equipment. The buffers shall be constructed of fencing, hedges/bushes or combinations of these items. The Planning Commission may, at their discretion, approve a plan omitting any portion of the required screening for just cause.
(3) In the Historic District, ground-mounted solar equipment shall be prohibited.
(4) Ground-mounted solar energy equipment may not exceed a height of ten (10) feet above the ground.
(5) Solar energy equipment must be and protected from unauthorized access or tampering by appropriate fencing, plantings, or a combination thereof, as determined by the Building Commissioner.
(6) All exterior electrical and/or plumbing lines must be placed in a conduit and buried below the surface of the ground.
(7) Solar energy equipment shall not block nor overhang any required parking
areas, sidewalks or walkways.
(c) Roof or wall-mounted solar energy equipment.
(1) It is encouraged that roof-mounted solar energy equipment shall be installed in the plane of the roof (flush-mounted) or made a part of the roof design (capping or framing is compatible with the color of the roof or structure). Mounting brackets shall be permitted if the applicant can demonstrate that the existing pitch of the roof would render the solar energy equipment ineffective or would be impossible.
(2) Solar energy equipment shall be located on a rear or side-facing roof as seen from the fronting street, unless the applicant can demonstrate that such installation would be ineffective or is impossible. Under no circumstances shall solar equipment be mounted on the front face of a roof in the Historic Downtown Business District.
(3) Solar energy equipment shall not project vertically above the peak of the roof to which it is attached, or project vertically more than five (5) feet above a flat roof. Solar energy equipment shall not overhang any window or lower roofing systems, nor any required parking areas, sidewalks, entrances or walkways.
(4) All exterior electrical and/or plumbing lines must be painted in a color scheme that matches as closely as reasonably possible the color of the structure and/or the materials adjacent to the lines.
(5) In the Historic Downtown Business District, solar equipment shall be mounted flush with or within 12-inches of the plane of the roof for flat roofs and shall be located no less than 3-feet from the edge of the roof. Panels may also be wall-mounted upon approval of a historically sensitive design by both the Bedford Historical Preservation Committee and the Bedford Planning Commission. Wall-mounted designs shall also require an engineered attachment plan from an Ohio-certified design professional.
(Ord. 8758-10. Passed 11-15-10.)