Off-street automobile parking facilities shall be located as hereinafter specified where a distance is specified, such distance shall be walking distance measured from the nearest point of the parking area to the nearest entrance of the building that said parking area is required to serve:
   (a)   For one (1) and two (2) family dwellings (duplex or two-family houses) on the same lot with the building they are required to serve, behind the front building line.
   (b)   For three (3) or more family dwellings (group houses or apartments) not over two (2) stories in height on the same lot or parcel of land as the building they are required to serve. For the purpose of this requirement, a contiguous group of such uses constructed and maintained under single ownership or management shall be assumed to be on a single lot or parcel of land.
   (c)   For apartment houses three (3) or more stories in height. On the same lot or parcel of land as the building they are required to service, or on a separate square feet (300 sq. ft.) from the nearest entrances to the main building being served, provided the lot or parcel of land selected for the parking is located in a less restricted district.
   (d)   For rooming houses, lodging houses, clubs, hospitals, sanitariums, asylums, orphanages, homes for the aged, convalescent homes, dormitories, sorority and fraternity houses, and for other similar uses, the off-street parking facilities required shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the main building or buildings being served, or within five hundred feet (500 ft.) of the building or buildings they are intended to serve, measured between the nearest point of the off-street parking area and the nearest entrance to the main building or buildings, providing the lot or parcel of land selected for the parking facilities is located in an apartment district or a less restricted district.
   (e)   For uses other than those specified above, off-street parking facilities shall be provided on the same lot or parcel of land as the main building being served, or on a separate lot or parcel of land not over one thousand feet (1,000 ft.) of the entrance to the main building, measured from the nearest point of the parking area, provided the separate lot or parcel of land the principal permitted use they are required to serve or in a less restricted district.
      (Ord. 7139-99. Passed 7-6-99.)