The following minimum requirements shall be observed in H-D Districts:
   (a)   Front yards. Along Broadway Avenue, each building or structure shall have no front yard setback. Each building or structure fronting on any other street shall have a front yard not less than six feet (6 ft.) from the beginning of the public right of way.
   (b)   Side yards. None, except when adjoining a residential district, then the minimum side yard will be the same as the least width required in that residential district.
   (c)   Rear yards. Each building or structure shall have a rear yard not less in depth than ten feet (10 ft.). Minimum rear yard will be the same as required in that residential district.
   (d)   Landscaping requirements. Whenever a side or rear yard is contiguous to residentially zoned land, said yard area shall be screened and landscaped in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Commission utilizing any one or a combination of the following methods:
      (1)   Wall. A solid wall of masonry or other durable material not less than five feet (5 ft.) or more than six feet (6 ft.) in height. Such wall shall be located not closer than five feet (5 ft.) to the residential property line and shall be landscaped with grass, shrubbery or trees on the residential side of the wall as a buffer and screening. The wall and landscape planting shall be repaired, replaced and permanently maintained as necessary to provide a permanent, attractive and effective screen between the residential and commercial use. The wall shall be considered an exterior wall for purpose of construction and shall be installed as defined and required by the Building Code. Such wall shall be designed to conform and be compatible with the main structure in design and character.
      (2)   Planting. A strip of land not less than ten feet (10 ft.) in width shall be planted in a well designed manner with trees, shrubs, evergreen hedges and evergreens to form a dense compact screening. The plantings shall provide a visual screen of at least sixty percent (60%) during all seasons at a minimum height of six feet (6 ft.) above grade. All trees shall have a trunk at least three inches (3 in.) in circumference and approximately fifteen feet (15 ft.) in height.
         This area to be repaired, replaced and maintained as originally installed.
      (3)   Mound. A strip of land not less than fifteen feet (15 ft.) in width with earthen, rock or similar material or combinations shall be mounded and sculptured to a height of not less than five (5 ft.) above grade utilizing side slopes no greater than a 3:1 ratio. The entire fifteen feet (15 ft.) of side yard shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs, hedges and grass to form a screen which shall be maintained and necessary to provide a permanent, attractive and effective compatible separation of land use.
         (Ord. 7139-99. Passed 7-6-99.)