Visual continuity among major building components is a requirement of the M-U Mixed Use District. The major building components shall be constructed as follows:
   (a)   Walls.
      (1)   Basic wall materials shall be limited to clay brick masonry or modular stone on a minimum of three sides of every building. Where the fourth side of the structure is exposed to public view, then that side shall also be constructed of clay brick masonry. Otherwise, the fourth side may be constructed of concrete masonry units in a size and color approved by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, at its discretion and on a special case basis, may also consider other materials of equal or similar quality and longevity.
      (2)   Matte texture and earth tone colors of building materials are required.
      (3)   Wood shall not be permitted as a wall finish except as a trim material used on a very limited basis.
      (4)   The use of EIFS and similar materials or systems shall be limited to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the façade of the building, shall be installed no lower than twelve (12) feet from the finished grade, and shall be used as a trim or accent material only.
      (5)   The use of mirror or reflective glass in the front wall of a building is prohibited.
   (b)   Roofing.
      (1)   Approved roofing materials shall be limited to concrete tile, standing seam metal and traditional, fiberglass, architectural grade shingles, as well as various types of built-up or rubber flat-roofing systems.
      (2)   Flat or lower roofs that can be viewed from above from adjacent, taller structures shall be treated with architectural screens placed in an orderly fashion.
      (3)   All rooftop heating and ventilating equipment, as well as miscellaneous communications equipment and similar appurtenances shall be located within a penthouse or otherwise screened from public view.
      (4)   All downspouts and rooftop utilities shall be concealed, or to the extent that such cannot be concealed, placed in an orderly fashion and architecturally harmonious with the building and area. Storm run-off shall be handled per civil engineering standards for storm water management.
      (5)   Sound levels of all roof-mounted equipment shall not exceed 55 dBa at the property line.
      (6)   Utilities on the site shall be placed underground, and transformers and other units shall be screened from view.
   (c)   Accessories.
      (1)   Transformers shall be screened from public view by means of plantings, walls, or fences. Transformers shall be located as to not be nuisances to the neighbors due to noise or location. Sound levels from transformers shall not exceed sixty (60) dBa at the property line.
      (2)   All dumpsters shall be screened from public view using materials that match or complement the building materials.
         (Ord. 9685-19. Passed 7-1-19.)