(a)   No building, structure or premises shall be used, erected or altered which is intended or designed to be used as a public garage, automobile repair shop, gas station or car wash having an entrance or exit for vehicles in the same block front and within two hundred feet (200 ft.) of any school, public playground, church, hospital, public library or institution for dependents or for children, and no such entrances shall be located within the same block front and within sixty feet (60 ft.) of any residential district. An ornamental fence shall separate such use from any residential district. No part of any public garage, automobile repair shop, gas station or car wash shall be located within one hundred feet ( 100 ft.) of any building or grounds of any of the aforesaid public, institutional or residential uses. No use herein included shall be erected or constructed on a lot of less than twenty thousand square feet (20,000 sq. ft.), and no use herein included shall exist onto more than two (2) streets.
   (b)   Every gas station regulated in subsection (a) hereof, shall be in accordance with Section 1915.06, and strictly limited to minor repair.
   (c)   All activities regulated in subsection (a) hereof, except the sale of gasoline and oil, dispensing of air and other activities which are reasonable and necessary at the pump services shall be carried out within the main building. Any rental vehicle, which may be permitted, shall be stored in the side or rear areas only, but the Building Commissioner shall interpret this limitation in accordance with the configuration of the land of each station. No motor vehicles, accessories or parts shall be stored, kept or maintained outside the main building except that tires and ice may be stored in metal fireproof enclosures. Such enclosures shall not be used as billboards and signs thereon shall identify their contents only in a size to be approved by the Building Commissioner under the provisions of the Planning and Zoning Code and Building Code. No motor vehicle shall be stored on the premises for more than forty-eight hours (48 hrs.), except service vehicles actually needed in the furtherance of the business. No customers' motor vehicles shall be on the property except for the purpose of servicing. No refuse, litter or used tires shall be upon the property except in closed metal containers. No vehicles shall be parked within five feet (5 ft.) of any sidewalk. No such use shall remain open for business unless the owner, proprietor or his employee is on the premises.
   (d)   Any person found violating the provisions of this section may be arrested on view or issued summons stating that an affidavit has or will be filed in the Bedford Municipal Court and the time and date of such appearance. Such violation is declared to be unlawful and a misdemeanor, in addition to any other procedure or penalty prescribed by law, without any other notice or warning otherwise provided for in the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 7139-99. Passed 7-6-99.)