In considering and acting upon any development plan, the Planning Commission shall require that the proposed plan comply with the following standards:
   (a)   That safe and convenient traffic movement shall be assured within the area and in relation to adjoining streets.
   (b)   That the relation of buildings and uses in the area to each other and their relation to buildings and uses on adjoining property shall be such that no proposed building or use shall hinder nor discourage the appropriate development or use of any adjoining property or be inconsistent with permitted use of such property. The Commission or Building Commissioner shall disapprove any permitted building or use if such building or use would hinder or discourage any permitted use, whether existing or future, in the surrounding more restricted zoning district.
The Commission or Building Commissioner may consider height, design, population density, traffic pattern, setback distance between buildings, landscaping features, walls or fences, or any other element which is related to possible impairment or discouragement of the appropriate use of adjoining property and to the public health, safety, convenience or comfort.
   (c)   That all buildings shall be located not less than fifteen feet (15 ft.) from any other building and shall be at least fifteen feet (15 ft.) from any area boundary line.
   (d)   That all signs, their size, height and location have been approved as per Chapter 1949.
      (Ord. 7139-99. Passed 7-6-99.)