(a)   In exercising its powers, the Board of Appeals may, in conformity with the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code and of this Code, reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from, and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as, in the Board's opinion, ought to be made, and to than end all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken.
   (b)   All final actions of the Board shall be by resolution. Such resolution shall contain:
      (1)   Name and address of the person making the appeal or application;
      (2)   Description of premises involved in the appeal or application, by block and lot and by street address, and also the zoning district in which located;
      (3)   Zoning provisions from which an appeal is made, or under which an application is made;
      (4)   Physical conditions of the premises, or other premises affected, and of the building or use proposed by the appellant or applicant which are pertinent to a decision;
      (5)   For a variance, the opinion of the Board as to the degree of practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship; which compliance with provisions of this Code would place upon the appellant or applicant;
      (6)   For an exception or matter of original jurisdiction, a statement establishing the qualifications for permitting the requests, subject to such limits as the Board may impose; and
      (7)   Statement of resolution that the appeal or application be granted, and the date the action is entered.
         (Ord. 7139-99. Passed 7-6-99.)