1915.01 Meanings of terms and words.
1915.02 Accessory use or structure.
1915.03 Alley.
1915.04 Apartment house.
1915.05 Automobile repair, major.
1915.06 Automobile repair, minor.
1915.07 Basement.
1915.08 Boarding or lodging house.
1915.09 Building.
1915.091 Club.
1915.10 Conditional use.
1915.11 Day-care center.
1915.12 Day-care home, type A.
1915.13 Day-care home, type B.
1915.14 Dwelling.
1915.15 Dwelling, multi-family.
1915.16 Dwelling, single-family.
1915.17 Dwelling, single-family attached.
1915.18 Dwelling three-six family.
1915.19 Dwelling, two-family.
1915.191 Eating establishment.
1915.20 Essential services.
1915.21 Family.
1915.22 Garage, private.
1915.23 Gas station.
1915.24 Group home.
1915.25 Handicapped.
1915.26 Height.
1915.27 High rise apartment building.
1915.28 Highway or primary thoroughfare.
1915.29 Home occupation.
1915.30 Lot.
1915.31 Lot area.
1915.32 Lot, corner.
1915.33 Lot depth.
1915.34 Lot width.
1915.35 Manufactured home.
1915.36 Master plan.
1915.361 Medical Marijuana Dispensary.
1915.37 Modular home.
1915.38 Nonconforming building.
1915.39 Nonconforming lot.
1915.40 Nonconforming use.
1915.41 Parking area, accessory.
1915.42 Pawn broker.
1915.43 Planned residential development.
1915.44 Rooming house.
1915.45 Sexually oriented business.
1915.46 Specified anatomical areas.
1915.47 Specified sexual activities.
1915.48 Story.
1915.49 Story, half.
1915.50 Street.
1915.51 Structural alteration.
1915.52 Structure.
1915.521 Tavern.
1915.53 Yard, front; least depth.
1915.54 Yard, rear; least depth.
1915.55 Yard, side; least width.
1915.56 Zoning.
1915.57 Zoning Ordinance.
Subdivision Regulations definitions - see P. & Z. 1903
Sign definitions - see P. & Z. 1949.04
Snow fence defined - see P. & Z. 1953.03 (j)