927.04 APPEALS.
   Any user, permit applicant, or permit holder affected by any decision, action, or determination, including cease and desist orders, made by the City, its Engineer, County Prosecutor or Courts, interpreting or implementing the provisions of this Title or in any permit issued herein, may file with the appropriate entity a written request for reconsideration within ten days or the appropriate legal period, of such decision, action, or determination, setting forth in detail the facts supporting the user's request for reconsideration.
   If the ruling is one made by the Engineer and is unsatisfactory to the user requesting reconsideration, he may within ten days after notification of the Engineer's action, file a written appeal to the City Council. The written appeal shall be attempted to be considered by Council within thirty days for the date of filing. The Engineer's decision, action, or determination shall remain in effect during such period of reconsideration.
(Ord. 5476-84. Passed 6-4-84.)