(a)   "Debt service charge" shall mean the charge levied on users to make principal and interest payments required for the amortization of the cost of the City's treatment works.
   (b)   "Operation and maintenance" shall mean all costs, direct and indirect, not including debt service, inclusive of expenditures attributable to administration, replacement of equipment, and treatment and collection of waste waters, necessary to ensure adequate wastewater collection and treatment on a continuing basis.
   (c)   "Replacement" shall mean expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such treatment works were designed and constructed.
   (d)   "Sanitary sewage" means the waste from water closets, urinals, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs, showers, household laundries, cellar floor drains, garage floor drains, bars, soda fountains, cuspidors, refrigerator drips, drinking fountains and stable floor drains.
(Ord. 6403-92. Passed 10-5-92.)