(a)   In case any work on private property ordered by the Director to be done by the owner, under provisions of this Chapter, is not performed as per the terms of such written notice and the Director has caused the work to be done at the expense of the owner, the Director of Finance at the completion thereof shall ascertain the total cost of such work and shall bill the same to the owner at his address if it is known, pursuant to the provisions set forth in Section 905.16(b) hereto, otherwise to the owner in care of any person living upon or having charge of such premises. If the address of the owner or any person having charge of such premises is unknown and such premises are vacant, then the bill shall be presented by posting it in a conspicuous place upon such premises.
   Such bill shall be payable in cash at the office of the Director of Finance within thirty days from and after the date of its delivery or posting, as the case may be.
   (b)   If the work has been done by contract, fifteen percent (15%) shall be added to the contract price as a reasonable overhead charge to pay for the service of notice, inspection and other incidentals. If the work has been done by the City the cost shall consist of the time expended by City employees charged at the same hourly rate the City pays such employees plus the cost of the use of City equipment to which shall be added twenty-five percent (25%) as a reasonable overhead charge to pay for the service of notice, inspection, supervision and other incidentals.
(Ord. 5641-86. Passed 5-19-86.)