(a) Abortions on patients with a gestation up to and including 21 weeks as determined by the physician may be performed on an ambulatory basis, if the patient's medical condition permits.
(b) The following patients shall be treated for the abortion at a hospital on an in-patient basis:
(1) Patients pregnant more than 22 weeks as determined by the physician;
(2) Patients having medical, surgical or gynecological or psychiatric conditions or complications as determined by the physician;
(3) Patients having a sterilization procedure immediately following the abortion.
(c) Only a physician shall be permitted to perform abortions.
(d) Where general or local anesthesia is administered to abortion patients, it shall be administered pursuant to the requirements of Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4731. An anesthesiologist shall supervise the staff administering anesthesia and shall be present on the premises at the abortion service at all times during the operative and post-operative period.
(e) A pathologic examination of all tissue removed from the uterus shall be performed routinely.
(f) A patient shall receive the following post-operative care:
(1) A patient whose pregnancy was terminated on an ambulatory basis shall be observed in the abortion facility for a reasonable number of hours, not less than three, to ensure that no immediate post-operative complications are present and, thereafter, such patients may be discharged if their course has been uneventful.
(2) Patients in whom any adverse condition exists or in whom a complication is known or suspected to have occurred during or after the performance of the abortion shall remain in the abortion service for further observation or be transported to the hospital.
(g) Written instructions shall be issued to all patients in accordance with the
rules of the physician in charge of the abortion service and shall include the following:
(1) Symptoms of complications to be looked for;
(2) Activities to be avoided;
(3) Specific telephone number shall be available on a twenty four (24) basis to be used by the patient should any complication occur or question arise;
(4) Date for follow-up or return visit after the performance of the abortion, which shall be scheduled within 2-6 weeks as indicated by the condition of the patient.