(a)   When procedures having present or future social implications for a patient are performed, such as human sterilizations or pregnancy terminations, or when indicated in other situations, a facility shall provide counseling, interpretation and referral for subsequent indicated care. To accomplish this, a facility shall:
      (1)   Provide, through physicians, qualified nurses, social workers or specially trained and qualified counselors, for appropriate assistance and counseling as needed.
      (2)   Maintain a liaison with and make indicated referrals to community counseling, family planning to other social and health service agencies to help assure appropriate and adequate subsequent care of the patient.
      (3)   Provide such counseling or assistance without coercion. In cases where the attending physician certified that the counseling provisions of this section would be detrimental to the health of the patient, authority to dispense with the provisions of this section shall first be obtained from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
      (4)   Provide counseling in cases of pregnancy termination, which shall be approved by the Director and which shall include factual information and scientifically accurate photographs or reproductions thereof depicting the biological development of the unborn child and actual measurements during the various stages of gestation, information regarding alternatives to the abortion procedure, and information and a description of the abortion procedure.
      (5)   Provide information in cases of sterilization, which shall inform the patient regarding alternatives to the sterilization procedure, a description of the sterilization procedure, information regarding the medical possibility of reversing the procedure, and information regarding the making of provisions to produce subsequent offspring.
   (b)   Counselors, other than a responsible physician, should consult with the physician concerning results of counseling and the initiation of any referrals that seem necessary.
   (c)   An appropriate method for providing information to and receiving information from legitimate referral sources shall be established, including adequate mechanisms for the scheduling and fulfilling of appointments requested by a referral source.