(a)   “Cold Canvas” means the uninvited telephone contact of a person by a canvasser or solicitor.
   (b)   The practice of telephoning any private residence or dwelling in the City without having been requested or invited to do so by the owner or occupant for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods or services, for the purpose of soliciting the purchase of goods or services, for the purpose of soliciting a contract or agreement to purchase goods or services, for the purpose of soliciting the sale of such owner’s property where such homeowner has not indicated a desire to be so solicited, or for the purpose of any commercial solicitation which results or is intended to result in the sale of goods or services, regardless of the form, guise or method of such solicitation, is prohibited.
   (c)   Any practice or act prohibited by this section shall be deemed to have occurred or to have been committed either at the place at which the telephone call was made or at the place at which the telephone call was received.
(Ord. 7495-02. Passed 9-3-02.)